English Idioms

001. It’s about time you showed up. [You finally arrived.]

002. He’s afraid of his own shadow. [He’s easily frightened.]

003. We’re working against the clock. [We haven’t much time.]

004. All systems go. [Everything is ready.]

005. I’m all thumbs. [I’m clumsy.]

006. She went all out with her baking. [She baked all that she could.]

007. I asked for a ballpark figure on the cost of the trip. [I asked for an estimated cost for the trip.]

008. We were banking on George’s help. [We were relying on George’s help.]

009. Elena’s a big fan of hip-hop. [Elena likes hip-hop.]

010. We had a blast at the mall. [We had fun at the mall.]

011. It costs an arm and a leg. [It’s very expensive.]

012. He’s asleep at the switch. [He’s not paying attention.]

013. She’s at sixes and sevens. [She’s not organized.]

014. I’ll take a baker’s dozen. [I’ll take thirteen.]

015. Tom is a real ball of fire. [Tom is good and quick.]

016. Stop beating around the bush. [Stop avoiding the issue.]

017. Carl’s just biding his time. [Carl’s just waiting for a chance.]

018. Ned is boning up on his German. [Ned is reviewing his German lessons.]

019. The bottom line is NO! [The final answer is NO!]

020. The show brought down the house. [The show was a great success.]

021. Don’t burn the midnight oil. [Don’t stay up too late.]

022. I’m going to catch forty winks. [I’m going to take a nap.]

023. Jill caught his eye. [Jill attracted his attention.]

024. He had his wings clipped. [His activities were restricted.]

025. Tara gave him the cold shoulder. [Tara ignored him.]

026. The prisoner came clean. [The prisoner confessed.]

027. Hal’s a company big shot. [Hal’s an important person in the company.]

028. He was dead to the world. [He was in a deep sleep.]

029. Bill is down in the dumps. [Bill is depressed.]

030. Drop me a line soon. [Write me a letter soon.]

031. He was the fair-haired boy. [He was the favorite.]

032. Her feet are on the ground. [She is sensible.]

033. No one can fill his shoes. [No one can replace him.]

034. They flew the coop. [They disappeared.]

035. Get off my back. [Stop bothering me.]

036. Gail got the ax. [Gail was fired from her job.]

037. I think I got the feel of it. [I think I have learned to do it.]

038. We just got wind of it. [We just heard about it.]

039. Go fly a kite. [Go away.]

040. John’s a good egg. [John is a good person.]

041. Mom’s got a green thumb. [Mom is a successful gardener.]

042. The girls are having a ball. [The girls are enjoying themselves.]

043. I think he has a screw loose. [I think he’s a little crazy.]

044. Keep your head above water. [Stay out of trouble.]

045. My heart goes out to her. [I feel sorry for her.]

046. I have to hit the books tonight. [I have to study tonight.]

047. I have a little hole-in-the-wall. [I have a small, inexpensive apartment.]

048. Gene is always in a fog. [Gene is always confused.]

049. Joe’s in hot water. [Joe’s in trouble.]

050. It’s still up in the air. [It’s still undecided.]

051. Just jump through the hoops. [Just do what you are told to do.]

052. Keep your nose clean. [Stay out of trouble.]

053. Keep the ball rolling. [Continue the activity.]

054. I will leave no stone unturned. [I will try everything.]

055. Let your hair down tonight. [Relax tonight.]

056. He lost his shirt on that bet. [He lost his fortune on that bet.]

057. It happens once in a blue moon. [It happens very seldom.]

058. Our plans are still up in the air. [Our plans are still not decided.]

059. I didn’t know he was so well-off. [I didn’t know he was wealthy.]

060. Let’s zero in on that idea. [Let’s focus our attention on that idea.]

061. He’s still on the fence. [He’s still undecided.]

062. Did he pop the question? [Did he ask you to marry him?]

063. I put two and two together. [I used the facts to make my decision.]

064. By evening she was run ragged. [By evening she was very tired.]

065. I see the light now. [I understand now.]

066. We did it on a shoe string. [We did it with very little money.]

067. Don’t spread yourself thin. [Don’t do many things at once.]

068. You bet. [Certainly.]

069. He took pains with his work. [He was very careful with his work.]

070. The boys thumbed a ride home. [The boys hitchhiked home.]

071. I’ll do it when hell freezes over. [I’ll never do it.]

072. Can you lend me a hand? [Can you help me?]

073. Mr. Divens has a heart of gold. [Mr. Divens is kind and generous.]

074. Give me a break, will you? [Stop bothering me, will you?]

075. He zonked out in the chair. [He fell asleep in the chair.]

076. Cut it out, will you? [Stop doing that, will you?]

077. It’s raining cats and dogs. [It’s raining very hard.]

078. Tony doesn’t have a prom date; Jill’s in the same boat. [Tony doesn’t have a prom date; Jill doesn’t have one either.]

079. Harry put his foot in his mouth again. [Harry said something that made him appear foolish again.]

080. This letter belongs in the circular file. [This letter belongs in the trash.]

081. His yellow hat made him stand out in the crowd. [He was easy to find in the crowd because of his yellow hat.]

082. Please get in touch with me by Friday. [Please telephone or write to me by Friday.]

083. Hang on and I’ll ask my sister if she has the tickets. [Wait while I ask my sister if she has the tickets.]

084. Don’t give up now, you’ve almost got it. [Don’t quit now, you’ve almost got it.]

085. I’d give my right arm to know what he said. [I’d pay a large price to know what he said.]

086. I never believed he’d turn his back on me like this. [I never believed he would leave me.]

087. Karyn’s new job was in the bag. [The arrangements for Karyn’s new job were complete.]

088. I was banking on getting that raise. [I believed I was getting that raise.]

089. Carol spilled the beans about Arne’s surprise party. [Carol told someone about Arne’s surprise party.]

090. I’ve been beating my brains out trying to find the answer. [I’ve worked hard to find the answer.]

091. I don’t know if he’ll beat the rap. [I don’t know if the court will find him innocent.]

092. When Tommy was late, Anna was beside herself with fear. [When Tommy was late, Anna was extremely fearful.]

093. Art surprised everyone when he made it big. [Art surprised everyone when he became a success.]

094. I will never have another blind date! [I will never again agree to a date arranged by other people in which I do not know the person.]

095. Cory missed the boat when he turned down the boss’s offer. [Cory missed a good opportunity when he turned down the boss’s offer.]

096. Tom said he has a bone to pick with Penny. [Tom said he has problem to resolve with Penny.]

097. The president discussed the issue with his brain trust. [The president discussed the issue with his group of experts.]

098. They found a bug in the mayor’s phone. [They found a hidden listening device in the mayor’s phone.]

099. He turned his room upside down looking for his wallet. [He looked everywhere in his room for his wallet.]

100. Ahmed got cold feet when he reached the diving board. [Ahmed was nervous when he reached the diving board.]

101. I think I’ll just bum around the museum for an hour or so. [I think I’ll wander around in the museum for an hour or so.]

102. Bundle up or you’ll catch a cold. [Dress warmly or you’ll become ill.]

103. I bumped into my old boyfriend at the game last night. [I met my former boyfriend at the game last night.]

104. No one bought his excuse for being late again. [No one believed his excuse for being late again.]

105. I’m tired; I think I’ll call it a day. [I’m tired; I think I’ll stop working now.]

106. It never crossed my mind that it was a fake diamond. [I did not think that it was a fake diamond.]

107. I’m too shy; I don’t think I’m cut out to be an actress. [I’m too shy; I don’t think I have the right qualities to be an actress.]

108. This car can stop on a dime. [This car can stop very quickly.]

109. His constant singing can drive you to drink. [His constant singing can irritate you.]

110. Ella was always on the edge. [Ella was always very nervous.]

111. While she was sick, she fell behind her class in math. [While she was sick, she did not continue in math at the same pace as her classmates.]

112. Taking drugs is playing with fire. [Taking drugs is very dangerous.]

113. Mom will hit the ceiling when she sees this mess. [Mom will be very angry when she sees this mess.]

114. It was hard to hold my tongue while I listened to the lies. [While I listened to the lies, I was very tempted to speak out against them.]

115. He was put in a hospital because he lost his mind. [He was put in a hospital because he became insane.]

116. Aspirin is an over-the-counter drug. [Aspirin can be purchased without a doctor’s prescription.]

117. Kim had taken great pains with the sign and it looked great. [Kim had been very careful making the sign and it looked great.]

118. Nina passed a remark about Georgio’s haircut. [Nina said something unkind about Georgio’s haircut.]

119. The man’s mother passed away in April. [The man’s mother died in April.]

120. Ed’s car was stolen and he tried to pin it on Tony. [Ed’s car was stolen and he blamed Tony.]

121. Steve decided he would pop the question on Rose’s birthday. [Steve decided he would propose marriage on Rose’s birthday.]

122. If we put our heads together we could think of a good present. [If we work together we could think of a good present.]

123. She ran into her secretary at the library. [She unexpectedly met her secretary at the library.]

124. Bob’s father was in his second childhood. [Bob’s father was old and returning to childish behavior.]

125. It’s about time you got here! [Finally you’ve arrived!]

126. Cindy burst into tears. [Cindy started to cry.]

127. Amos can really carry a tune. [Amos can sing well.]

128. Jaime cleared the table. [Jaime removed the dishes and other things from the table.]

129. Hector cleared the fence easily. [Hector jumped over the fence and there was space between him and the fence.]

130. Come to think of it, I already have a red sweater. [I remember now that I already have a red sweater.]

131. We have to cover a lot of ground before this works. [We have to do many more things before this will work.]

132. I wouldn’t hold my breath waiting for a lower price. [It is not likely that it will be sold at a lower price.]

133. Did Marianne do the dishes before she left? [Did Marianne wash the dishes before she left?]

134. All the preparation went down the drain when the game was cancelled. [All the preparation was wasted when the game was cancelled.]

135. Please move, I need some elbow room. [Please move, I need some space for myself.]

136. Every so often I think about my uncle. [Occasionally I think about my uncle.]

137. Caleb and Raoul had a falling out last week. [Caleb and Raoul had a disagreement last week.]

138. It’s time to get busy on my project. [It’s time to start my project.]

139. Tony gets on my nerves. [Tony annoys me.]

140. Don’t forget to give me a call when you arrive. [Don’t forget to call me on the phone when you arrive.]

141. She gave the woman a piece of her mind. [She told the woman what she thought and felt.]

142. Mom went overboard on the food for the party. [Mom prepared too much food for the party.]

143. Olivia has a real sweet tooth. [Olivia likes candy and other sweet-tasting things.]

144. I buy all of his hit movies. [I buy all of his movies that are very popular.]

145. I’ll see if we have it in stock. [I’ll see if we have it here at the store.]

146. The juniors and seniors were in the same boat. [The juniors and seniors had the same situation.]

147. I’m just about finished with this book. [I am nearly finished with this book.]

148. The baby kept me up all weekend. [The baby prevented me from sleeping all weekend.]

149. Could you give me a lift to school tomorrow? [Could you give me a ride to school tomorrow?]

150. Jody lost her temper at the meeting. [Jody became angry at the meeting.]

151. You can make a bundle doing that. [You can earn a lot of money doing that.]

152. The election was neck and neck. [The number of votes for the candidates was nearly even.]

153. Do you need a hand? [Do you need help?]

154. I’m using my nest egg for travel. [I’m using the money I have saved for travel.]

155. It’s neither here nor there. [It is not important.]

156. It’s no laughing matter. [It is a serious matter.]

157. Building the box was no picnic. [Building the box was not easy.]

158. No wonder they look alike—they’re cousins. [It is not a surprise that they look alike — they are cousins.]

159. Now and then we look at the old photos. [Occasionally we look at the old photos.]

160. Lunch will be on the house Thursday. [Lunch will be free on Thursday.]

161. This was a piece of cake. [This was easy.]

162. Richard and Karyn tied the knot in Las Vegas. [Richard and Karyn got married in Las Vegas.]

163. A run for the money [A tough competition or challenge.]

164. Made of money [Very wealthy; having a lot of money.]

165. Be broke [To have no money.]

166. Make a deposit [To put money into a bank account.]

167. Be loaded [To be very wealthy.]

168. Make a withdrawal [To take money out of a bank account.]

169. Be minting it [To be making a lot of money, often quickly or easily.]

170. Money doesn’t grow on trees [Money is not easy to get; it requires effort and work.]

171. Be tightfisted [To be very frugal or unwilling to spend money.]

172. Money is no object [Cost doesn't matter; you're willing to pay whatever it takes.]

173. Bet your bottom dollar [To be very confident about something.]

174. Money talks [Money has influence or power; people often listen to those with money.]

175. Blank check [Unlimited freedom to spend money or do something without restrictions.]

176. Money to burn [Having more money than you need, often to the point of spending it wastefully.]

177. Bounce a check [To write a check without having enough money in the bank to cover it.]

178. Monopoly money [Fake or worthless money; something with no real value.]

179. Cash a check [To exchange a check for cash.]

180. Pin money [A small amount of money, usually for minor or personal expenses.]

181. Change a bill [To exchange a larger bill for smaller denominations.]

182. On the money [Exactly correct or accurate.]

183. Cost an arm and a leg [To be very expensive.]

184. Pots of money [A large amount of money.]

185. Easy money [Money earned with little effort.]

186. Put money away [To save money for the future.]

187. Endorse a check [To sign the back of a check to approve it for deposit or cashing.]

188. For my money [In my opinion; from my perspective.]

189. Put money on something [To bet or gamble on something.]

190. Funny money [Counterfeit or fake money; money that looks suspicious or is not legitimate.]

191. Put your money where your mouth is [To back up your words with action, often by betting or investing.]

192. Get a loan [To borrow money, usually from a bank or financial institution.]

193. Seed money [Initial funding to help start a project or business.]

194. Get change [To receive smaller denominations of money in exchange for a larger bill.]

195. Spend money like water [To spend money carelessly or wastefully.]

196. Get your money’s worth [To receive good value for the money you spend.]

197. Have money to burn [To have more money than you need and be able to spend it freely.]

198. The smart money [The money or investment made by knowledgeable or experienced people.]

199. Hit the ATM [To go to an ATM (Automated Teller Machine) to withdraw cash.]

200. Throw good money after bad [To waste more money on a failing project or situation.]

201. Hush money [Money given to someone to keep them quiet or prevent them from revealing information.]

202. Throw money around [To spend money carelessly or extravagantly.]

203. In the money [To be financially successful or winning in a financial context.]

204. Throw money at something [To try to solve a problem by spending money on it, often without careful thought.]