Suspense Greeting - hello - who am I? - tell me about me (stuff on board 40 o+ steel computers soccer) Teacher - I forgot - I don’t know Give student power Motivate Puzzles, mystery, questions Challenge, suspense I’m an animal - are you an animal that _____? Lack of clarity is good - not knowing motivates communication - first confuse the student then help him out — What’s this - a pen what’s a pen? - it’s a thing A thing I _(write)__ with (relative clauses) Is it soft/a banana/big..? —- What’s my job? Teacher What is a Teacher? - a person who teaches/...) Pattern to practice —- *****Anticipation - increase it - don’t explain - don’t give answer too soon (Student don’t shout out answer - find 2,3,...answers) - don’t explain - help students work it out - negotiate meaning Don’t be clear - be unclear Be fallible - I need to learn to teach - I am a student of teaching Language out of the book Ask students what they think. - ist it a banana? - what do you think - give me an example — Where’s my ____? Under the paper on the table. Validate - ask question with “no” answer - Is it in the refrigerator - provoke next question) - ****personalize - relate question to student’s life - is your hand in your shoe? —- A phrase - speak it slowly, quickly, angrily softly loudly romantically... —- Frustrating Splugged Boring Frankled Stranking Frightening Bored Frightened Frustrating Dart - make i sentence Attachments area Preview YouTube video David Paul - Motivating Low-level Students - Featured Presentation KOTESOL IC 2012