I’m goin te my house He and her like him she Where’s ze from? zit at? There names zer _____ What’s yer/is/er name? Kin I help ya? I do no I don’t know What’s he thinking about e thinkin D ya wanna buy it? Whaddya ya want/see? What’re ya doin? Where’re ye goin? I’m goin ta Mexico What’s is/er name I wanna cookie I’m goin te my house He and her like him she got to gotta have to hafta has to hasta 1. My tooth's going to drive me crazy. It has to come out. 2. Then you've got to make an appointment with a dentist. 3. I've got to find one first. I don't know any dentists. 4. I have to go downtown. Come on. I'll take you to my dentist. 5. I can't. I have to study. 6. After you study, are you going to go to the dentist? 7. No. Then I've got to get some gas. 8. Then are you going to go to the dentist? 9. Well, no. After that, I have to go to the bank. 10. After you go to the bank, you've got to go to the dentist. Your tooth has to be taken care of! 1. My tooth's *gonna drive me crazy. It hasta come out. 2. Then you've *gotta make an appointment with a dentist. 3. I've *gotta find one first. I donno any dentists. 4. I hafta go downtown. Come on. I'll take ya *ta my dentist. 5. I can't. I *hafta study. 6. After ya study, are *ya *gonna go *ta the dentist? 7. No. Then I've gotta get some gas. 8. Then are *ya *gonna go *ta. the dentist? 9. Well, no. After that, I *hafta go ta the bank. 10.. After ya go *ta the bank, you've gotta go *ta the dentist. Your tooth hasta be taken care of! ------------------------------- Where is/are (my your his her) nose, arm,... It’s/they’re in/on/between/next to my, your... Kin I help ya? I do no I don’t know What’s he thinking about e thinkin D ya wanna buy it? Whaddya ya want/see? What’re ya doin? Where’re ye goin? I’m goin ta Mexico What’s is/er name I wanna cookie I’m goin te my house He and her like him she Where’s ze from? zit at? There names zer _____ What’s yer/is/er name? ============================== Reduced Speech in Standout 14 what's is* name? er* yer What r* their names 15 their names r* ____ n* _____ 16 nice t* meet ya* 17 where r* ya* from? 18 what's is* birthplace 19 where d* ya* live where r* ya* from? 20 they're married 21 we're single You're married 22 are ya * single? 23 addresses - be clear 25 what's yer* address 30 what's r* first name? 38 I wanna* introduce____ 40 46 he's lisnin* t* _____ readn* sitn* writn* 53 how d* ye* know? 54 I wanna* introduce____ 56 lisnin* t* _____ readn* sitn* writn* talkn* B*tween Unit 3 62 What r* ya* eatn* 64 b*tween the ___ n* the ___ Nex* t* ___ 68 lets ave* _______ How many ____ d* ya* need 69 what d* we need 70 two eggs n* nan* onion 72 whet dz* yoshi want —- whaddya like? ==================================