Conversation A
A Hi, Diego!
B Oh! Hi, Carla. How are you? You look tired.
A Oh, no, I'm OK. I went hiking yesterday.
B Really, where?
A We went up to Bear Mountain.
B That's great. I'm going to go hiking next weekend.
Conversation B
A Hi, Nicholas. How are you?
B Oh, pretty good. What's new with you?
A Well, we went camping last weekend.
B Really? Did you have fun?
A Yes. When are you going to go camping?
B We're going to go camping next week.
onversation C
A Hey, Bill. How are you? ,
B Terrific. I was on vacation all last week.
A Really? What did you do?
b Nothing. I just relaxed all day. When
are you going to take a vacation?
A I'm going to take my vacation next
Conversation D
A Hi, Shawn. Where were you last
B I went with my family to Lookout
Park. We went on a picnic.
A Really? I'm going to have a picnic
there next weekend.
B Well, watch out for the bees!
A I will. Thanks for telling me about
Conversation E
A Lidia, where were you yesterday?
B It was pretty hot, so we went
swimming at the lake.
A Really? I'm going to go swimming
next weekend. .
B Great. Where?
A In the pool at my school.
B Have fun!
onversation F
A Hey, Barbara, where did you get
those fish?
B I went fishing today.
A Where did you go?
B We went to Lake Jenner.
A That sounds like fun. I'm going
to go fishing there tomorrow.
B Good luck.