Future Intro Unit 02 Welcome to Class
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Unit 2 Welcome to Class
Page 28 Classroom Items (what do you see?)
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[Click] Page 28 Exercise 1B (Classroom items) Listen and repeat
I have _______.

      a book.
      a pencil.
      a dictionary.
      a pen.
      a backpack.
      an eraser. **
      a notebook.
      a cell phone.
      a piece of paper.

******* Embedded *******

Page 29 Exercise C - dialog student fills in blanks

       a book.             a pencil.             a dictionary.
       a pen.                a backpack.       an eraser. **
       a notebook.       a cell phone.       a piece of paper.

A. Excuse me. Do you have ____________?

B. No, I don't.

A. Do you have ____________?

B. Yes, I do. Here you go.

A. Thanks.


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Page 29 What do you have?
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Page 33 Where is the pencil?

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Where is (next to, across from, between)


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Page 36 Mr., Mrs., ......

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[Click] Page 36 Listen and repeat

How do you study? (pictures - Page 38)

Page 39 How do I/you/... study?
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Page 40 What do you see?