*cyberfret.com: college of guitar wisdom - Home click here* *Classic Internet Guitar Lessons* These lessons have been floating around the web for years and were not written by the cyberfret staff. Therefore they are offered AS IS with no warranty, no money back guarantee, no technical support, no ads, and no pretty background (just plain gray and text, the way it was back in the old days, *AND WE LIKED IT*) The author of the material is at the top of each lesson. This is part of the history of guitar lessons on the Internet... From: elessar@PHYSICS.UNC.EDU (Shawn Mehan) Subject: MTAB: 12 bar blues and blues scale This may be of use to some people. Some of you also have blues stuff for mando/violin. Bring it on!!!! The open blues scale and 12 bar blues. First you need the open (GM) pentatonic (P) plus the blues notes(*) to add color, tension, what have you. I II III IV V VI VII E-P-||-*-|---|-P-|---|-P-|-*-|-P-| A-P-||-*-|-P-|---|---|-P-|---|---| D-P-||---|-P-|-*-|---|-P-|---|---| G-P-||---|-P-|-*-|-P-|---|---|---| note that VII = Open 1 course above. * = Bb, F here Practice with and without * and you can lay down notes inside most anything in the key of GM. * + P works great with following, the 12 bar blues. G7 (I) C7 (IV) G7 (I) G7 (I) E---||-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------| A---||-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------| D---||-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------| G---||-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------| ^ . : . : . : . ^ . : . : . : . ^ . : . : . : . ^ . : . : . : . C7 (IV) C7 (IV) G7 (I) G7 (I) E---||-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------| A---||-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------| D---||-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------| G---||-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------| ^ . : . : . : . ^ . : . : . : . ^ . : . : . : . ^ . : . : . : . D7 (V) D7 or C7 (V, IV) G7 (I) D7 (V) E---||-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------| A---||-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------| D---||-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------| G---||-----------------|-----------------|-----------------|-----------------| ^ . : . : . : . ^ . : . : . : . ^ . : . : . : . ^ . : . : . : . if you are ending, the last V, the turnaround chord, is no longer needed, so findish with some sort of I. You can see this goes to any key easily, just make all major chords 7-chords. In this tuning, here are the open chords. G7 : 0021 C7 : 0210 D7 : 2032 *back to the Classic Internet Guitar Lesson Index click here*