*cyberfret.com: college of guitar wisdom - Home click here* *Classic Internet Guitar Lessons* These lessons have been floating around the web for years and were not written by the cyberfret staff. Therefore they are offered AS IS with no warranty, no money back guarantee, no technical support, no ads, and no pretty background (just plain gray and text, the way it was back in the old days, *AND WE LIKED IT*) The author of the material is at the top of each lesson. This is part of the history of guitar lessons on the Internet... Title: Major Triads Level: Beginner Style: Theory Instructor: Roger Brotherhood Here is a map of the major triads on the guitar. This is the relative location of the Root, Third, and Fifth of a major triad. Here's what I mean by the root, 3rd or 5th of a chord. The triad is constructed by stacking up the notes of the scale "every other note". The first note is called the Root. The second note is called the Third because it is three scale steps away from the root. The third note is called the Fifth because it is five scale steps away from the root. Check this out for yourself in a C major scale: 5th -> G A B C D E F G <-5 letter names from the root 3rd -> E F G A B C D E <-3 letter names from the root Root-> C D E F G A B C ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ C D E F G A B C maj min min maj maj min dim maj Here is a graphic representation of the relationships of the roots thirds and fifths of a major triad. This gives you all the possible voicings for a major triad on the fingerboard. For the minor triads, just lower the 3rd one fret. E|---|---|---|-R-|---|---|---|-3-|---|---|-5-|---|---|---|---|-R-| B|-3-|---|---|-5-|---|---|---|---|-R-|---|---|---|-3-|---|---|-5-| G|-R-|---|---|---|-3-|---|---|-5-|---|---|---|---|-R-|---|---|---| D|-5-|---|---|---|---|-R-|---|---|---|-3-|---|---|-5-|---|---|---| A|---|---|-3-|---|---|-5-|---|---|---|---|-R-|---|---|---|-3-|---| E|---|---|---|-R-|---|---|---|-3-|---|---|-5-|---|---|---|---|-R-| ^-----------^-------^-----------^-------^-------^-----------^ "G" "E" "D" "C" "A" "G" shape shape shape shape shape shape If you look closely, you will see that the "map" can be divided into five "bar chord" areas that correspond to the five first position triad shapes. You can link these five large bar chord areas together to learn the fingerboard, then extract smaller, more easily playable triads. This "map" is entirely moveable. Be sure you try it with the root note in many places on the fingerboard. Try to relate all the chords you know to this map, even if it's just a power chord. As you play a chord, ask yourself, "Which note is the root ... which one is the 3rd ... which one is the 5th." If you have any questions, ask your teacher to help you, or post your questions and I'll try to answer them. Have fun .... Rog. ============================================================================== FUTURE LESSONS -------------- No Name Style Level Instructor 15 Right and Left Hand Technique Techniq B Tim Fullerton 16 Major Triad - Part 2 Theory I Roger Brotherhood 17 Good Right and Left Hand Techn Technique I Tim Fullerton 18 The Modes part II Theory I David Good 19 Good Right and Left hand Techn Technique I Tim Fullerton ============================================================================== Guitar Lesson a Week Maintainers Editor: Norm Carpenter Distributor: Kevin Elphinstone Lesson Submissions To: guitar-lessons-editor@vast.unsw.edu.au Mailing List Subscriptions To: guitar-lessons-request@vast.unsw.edu.au Lessons Archived At: ftp.vast.unsw.edu.au[]:/pub/guitar-lessons bugs.specialix.co.uk[]:/public/netsrc/guitar *back to the Classic Internet Guitar Lesson Index click here*