*cyberfret.com: college of guitar wisdom - Home click here* *Classic Internet Guitar Lessons* These lessons have been floating around the web for years and were not written by the cyberfret staff. Therefore they are offered AS IS with no warranty, no money back guarantee, no technical support, no ads, and no pretty background (just plain gray and text, the way it was back in the old days, *AND WE LIKED IT*) The author of the material is at the top of each lesson. This is part of the history of guitar lessons on the Internet... Date: Fri, 14 Apr 95 00:18:15 -0100 From: Andreas Itten Subject: INFO: Pentatonic 1 Lesson The Pentatonic Scale I: (Andreas Itten "aitten@smile.ch") ---------------------- Comments, suggestions are welcome... (aitten@smile.ch) Well, the probably most used Scale in Improvising is the Pentatonic Scale. The Pentatonic Scale consists only of 5 Tones and it exists in a major and minor type. (The fingerings are the same but the root note is moved up or down the fretboard....more later...) The Pentatonic minor Scale works well over minor Chords, minor 7th Chords, or Powerchord of the same Name. A minor Pentatonic Scale (as example:) Pattern 1: (Picture of Fretboard, The "x" indicates the Root-Note) |--(x)--|------|-------|--( )--|------|------| |--( )--|------|-------|--( )--|------|------| |--( )--|------|--( )--|-------|------|------| |--( )--|------|--(x)--|-------|------|------| |--( )--|------|--( )--|-------|------|------| |--(x)--|------|-------|--( )--|------|------| V. (Fret) Pattern 2: (Picture of Fretboard, The "x" indicates the Root-Note) |-------|--( )--|-------|--( )---|------|------| |-------|--( )--|-------|--(x)---|------|------| |--( )--|-------|--( )--|--------|------|------| |--(x)--|-------|-------|--( )---|------|------| |--( )--|-------|-------|--( )---|------|------| |-------|--( )--|-------|--( )---|------|------| VII. (Fret) Pattern 3: (Picture of Fretboard, The "x" indicates the Root-Note) |-------|--( )--|-------|--( )--|-------|------| |-------|--(x)--|-------|-------|--( )--|------| |--( )--|-------|-------|--( )--|-------|------| |-------|--( )--|-------|--( )--|-------|------| |-------|--( )--|-------|--(x)--|-------|------| |-------|--( )--|-------|--( )--|-------|------| IX. (Fret) Pattern 4: (Picture of Fretboard, The "x" indicates the Root-Note) |--( )--|-------|-------|--( )--|------|------| |-------|--( )--|-------|--( )--|------|------| |--( )--|-------|--(x)--|-------|------|------| |--( )--|-------|--( )--|-------|------|------| |--(x)--|-------|-------|--( )--|------|------| |--( )--|-------|-------|--( )--|------|------| XII. (Fret) Pattern 5: (Picture of Fretboard, The "x" indicates the Root-Note) |-------|--( )--|-------|--(x)---|------|------| |-------|--( )--|-------|--( )---|------|------| |--(x)--|-------|-------|--( )---|------|------| |--( )--|-------|-------|--( )---|------|------| |-------|--( )--|-------|--( )---|------|------| |-------|--( )--|-------|--(x)---|------|------| XIV. (Fret) Got It? Ok! Now play the whole scale also in other keys Try B,C,G,F#... You should als learn the Patterns. As I said in the Beginning, every minor scale has a corresponding major scale. In our case (A minor) is the same as C Major Pentatonic. Figure out the other 4 Patterns. Hope You can use it.... Bye.... *back to the Classic Internet Guitar Lesson Index click here*