*cyberfret.com: college of guitar wisdom - Home click here* *Classic Internet Guitar Lessons* These lessons have been floating around the web for years and were not written by the cyberfret staff. Therefore they are offered AS IS with no warranty, no money back guarantee, no technical support, no ads, and no pretty background (just plain gray and text, the way it was back in the old days, *AND WE LIKED IT*) The author of the material is at the top of each lesson. This is part of the history of guitar lessons on the Internet... Title: Right hand Left hand technique - cont. Level: Beginner Style: Technique Instructor: Tim Fullerton This is part two in a series of how to develop good right and left hand technique for pick-style guitar. *****THE LESSON**** PART II -- left hand position This series is the approach that I use to teach pick-style technique to all of my students. For best results, take these articles to an educated and experienced teacher who is stylistically broad based and who is acquainted with this approach, so that (s)he may coach you. **Disclaimer** This approach is to attain the maximum possible cleanliness and articulateness in ones tone. It will also give, ultimately, the greatest speed with the least health risk. I am careful to never say that it is the CORRECT way to play. There is no such thing, and a lot of people do great things with really sloppy technique. Wherever possible, though, I will indicate the exact benefits of each technique. If you are left handed, please excuse my right-handed bias, and reverse all of the relevant direction and hand indications. B) LEFT HAND THUMB POSITION Place your fingers on the bottom string like so: E|----------------| B|----------------| G|----------------| D|----------------| A|----------------| E|-1-2-3-4--------| FRET 1 2 3 4 <--- FINGER With your fingers in this position, the TIP of your thumb should be touching the midline of the neck; that is, behind the G string. Most people tend to have the thumb peeking up over the top. Also, most people tend to squeeze much too tightly, grinding in with the knuckle of their thumb. Now place your fingers on the top string: E|-1-2-3-4--------| B|----------------| G|----------------| D|----------------| A|----------------| E|----------------| FRET 1 2 3 4 <--- FINGER In this position, the tip of your thumb should be behind the top E string, directly behind your fingers. C) LEFT HAND WRIST In all cases, the left hand wrist should be straight. Many with bad thumb habits tend to rest their palms against the back of the neck. Avoid this! Also, many who adapt the "good" thumb position tend to jut their wrist forward. You should be able to place a straight edge from the back of your forearm to any of your last knuckles. Benefits: The thumb position is required so that : 1) the wrist can be straight. 2) The fingers can come down straight and not mute the strings beside what they are actually fretting (remember the first time you tried to make a "D"?). 3) With the thumb low, the average full sized person can reach across eight frets. With the thumb high, the average person can barely span four frets. Low thumb pressure reduces strain on certain muscles and tendons. It will also increase your endurance dramatically. The wrist position is a matter of your health. If you practice a lot, especially with any speed, and you have a bent wrist, your tendons and carpal nerves are obstructed and you run a greater risks of repetitive strain injuries. Exceptions: Some styles, blues for example, demand having the thumb over the top to assist in muting strings. Here it is often appropriate to pick all six strings and mute all except the ones you want to ring. Also, the thumb should come over the top to give you leverage in a bend. In neither case should the palm touch the back of the neck. Just the webbing between the thumb and the first finger. There are certainly other examples of specific tones that you would want to get that demand a thumb-over-the-top technique. In general, though, for pristine tone, avoid it. Class Assignment: Play this as an exercise: E|------------------------------------------1-2-3-4-5-4-3-2------------| B|---------------------------------1-2-3-4------------------5-4-3-2----| G|-------------------------1-2-3-4-------------------------------------| D|-----------------1-2-3-4---------------------------------------------| A|---------1-2-3-4-----------------------------------------------------| E|-1-2-3-4-------------------------------------------------------------|...etc Make sure that you assign 1 finger per fret... just like they were set up a page ago. Continue this pattern up the neck until you can't get clean notes out anymore. As you do this, do not stray from this checklist: A) Guitar Position (see part I) B)1. Left Hand Thumb Position and range of motion (midline [G string] to edge) 2. Left Hand Thumb Pressure If this continues to be a problem, take a couple of passes of this exercise without your thumb touching at all. This will give you an idea of exactly how little pressure it takes. Then put your thumb back down WITH NO MORE PRESSURE. It is just there as a guide. C) Left hand wrist. Stay Tuned, and be patient. There is a lot left! copyright 1993 by Tim Fullerton fullerto@cis.ohio-state.edu 1987 Upper Chelsea Rd Columbus, Ohio 43221 (614) - 488 - 9322 ============================================================================== FUTURE LESSONS -------------- No Name Style Level Instructor 10 How Chords work Theory B Tim Fullerton 11 Right and Left hand techniques theory (etc.) b Tim Fullerton 12 Modes Theory I Dave Good 13 Octaves Theory B Bill Quinn ============================================================================== Guitar Lesson a Week Maintainers Editor: Norm Carpenter Distributor: Kevin Elphinstone Lesson Submissions To: guitar-lessons-editor@vast.unsw.edu.au Mailing List Subscriptions To: guitar-lessons-request@vast.unsw.edu.au Lessons Archived At: ftp.vast.unsw.edu.au[]:/pub/guitar-lessons bugs.specialix.co.uk[]:/public/netsrc/guitar *back to the Classic Internet Guitar Lesson Index click here*