*cyberfret.com: college of guitar wisdom - Home click here* *Classic Internet Guitar Lessons* These lessons have been floating around the web for years and were not written by the cyberfret staff. Therefore they are offered AS IS with no warranty, no money back guarantee, no technical support, no ads, and no pretty background (just plain gray and text, the way it was back in the old days, *AND WE LIKED IT*) The author of the material is at the top of each lesson. This is part of the history of guitar lessons on the Internet... Title: The Tonic Level: Beginner Style: Heavy Metal Rhythm Instructor: Ky MacPherson Hey kids, today I will introduce you to a very important concept in music ... the tonic. And although we are focusing on heavy metal in this lesson, it is essential to understand the concept of the tonic to write any kind of music. Let's start right off with some musical examples! The following examples are in the key of E minor. I I I vii I E|---------------------|---------| B|---------------------|---------| G|----------------2----|----4----| D|----------------0----|----2----| A|----2---2---2--------|---------| E|----0---0---0--------|---------| Notice how there is a sense of finality after the final chord. This is caused by moving to the root chord, the E5 chord. The root chord is also called the "tonic." Compare that sound with the following sequence of chords: I vii II E|---------------------|---------| B|---------------------|---------| G|----------------2----|----6----| D|----------------0----|----4----| A|----2---2---2--------|---------| E|----0---0---0--------|---------| Notice how much different the second example sounds. It would sound very irregular to end a song this way, because this sequence of chords leaves a lot of unresolved "tension." How do you resolve this tension? By moving to the tonic, of course! But it is important to understand that this tension can be useful. I vii iii II vi E|---------------------|---------------------|--------------- B|---------------------|---------------------|--------------- G|----------------2----|----7---7---7---6----|--------------- D|----------------0----|----5---5---5---4----|----5---5---5-- etc. A|----2---2---2--------|---------------------|----3---3---3-- E|----0---0---0--------|---------------------|--------------- Maintaining the tension gives the song a sense of movement. And a song without movement (and thus tension) would be a very boring song! Now I hope you have a grasp of the special properties of the tonic. Now let me introduce you to another special chord: the dominant. The dominant is the V chord, the chord whose root is a perfect fifth above the tonic. Resolving to the dominant also gives a sense of finality, although not as strong as resolving to the tonic. I vi V E|---------------------|---------| B|---------------------|---------| G|---------------------|---------| D|----------------5----|----4----| A|----2---2---2---3----|----2----| E|----0---0---0--------|---------| Listen to this example, and then listen to the one at the beginning of the lesson again. Now for some general rules: 1. A song should begin and end on the tonic. 2. The song should end by hitting the tonic on the first beat of a measure. 3. The lowest voice in a song (i.e. rhythm guitar for heavy metal) should end the song on the tonic that is the lowest note played by that instrument in the song. In simpler terms, you should end the song by moving DOWN to the tonic. Of course, as with any rules, these are commonly broken. However, if you want to write a song that sounds good, you should keep these rules in mind. I am using the concepts of tonic and dominant in the context of chords, but it is important to realize that these properties also hold true for single notes. Thus a guitar solo should also begin and end on the tonic. Now it is time to see these ideas in action! We are now going to examine some excerpts from a song called "Evil Dead" by the group Death. I am not suggesting that you rush out and purchase a copy of this song ... it is not necessary that you have heard it before. I chose to include this song because: (1) it is simple, and (2) it illustrates the principles I have presented in this lesson. The song is in the key of G minor. Tune down: (6)=D The song begins with the cool G-minor lick I gave you way back in my first lesson being played over the progression: I vii vi V E||--------|-------|-------|-------|-------|-------|-------|--------|| B||--------|-------|-------|-------|-------|-------|-------|--------|| G||o-------|-------|-------|-------|-------|-------|-------|-------o|| D||o---5---|--(5)--|---3---|--(3)--|---1---|--(1)--|---0---|--(0)--o|| A||----5---|--(5)--|---3---|--(3)--|---1---|--(1)--|---0---|--(0)---|| D||----5---|--(5)--|---3---|--(3)--|---1---|--(1)--|---0---|--(0)---|| Notice that both guitars begin on the tonic. The progression I-vii-vi-V has a nice sound, and you will find it in other songs as well. Now we will skip all the way to the end of the song: E|---------------------------|-----------------------------------| B|---------------------------|-----------------------------------| G|---5----------7------------|---8------10---8---7---------------| D|---5----------7------------|---8------10---8---7---------------| A|---3----------5------------|---6------8----6---5---------------| D|---------------------------|-----------------------------------| |-------------------------|------------------------------------|--------|| |-------------------------|------------------------------------|--------|| |---5---------7-----------|---8------10---8---7----------------|--------|| |---5---------7-----------|---8------10---8---7---10---8---7---|---5----|| |---3---------5-----------|---6------8----6---5---10---8---7---|---5----|| |-------------------------|-----------------------10---8---7---|---5----|| The song also ends on the tonic, moving down. Notice how the tonic is avoided, but the dominant is heavily used in the measures just preceding the end of the song. I hope you found my lessons to be entertaining, and I hope you learned something too! This is my last lesson for now, although maybe in the future I will cover some more advanced topics. Take care, and Good luck! -- Ky MacPherson (KMACPHE1@UA1VM.UA.EDU) "To me, Gorbachev always looks like a man who just had his accordian stolen" - Lazlo Toth (I am currently moving so don't expect a quick response!) ============================================================================== FUTURE LESSONS -------------- No Name Style Level Instructor ============================================================================== Guitar Lesson a Week Maintainers Editor: Norm Carpenter Distributor: Kevin Elphinstone Lesson Submissions To: guitar-lessons-editor@vast.unsw.edu.au Mailing List (Un)Subscriptions To: guitar-lessons-request@vast.unsw.edu.au Lessons Archived At: ftp.vast.unsw.edu.au[]:/pub/guitar-lessons bugs.specialix.co.uk[]:/public/netsrc/guitar *back to the Classic Internet Guitar Lesson Index click here*