*cyberfret.com: college of guitar wisdom - Home click here* *Classic Internet Guitar Lessons* These lessons have been floating around the web for years and were not written by the cyberfret staff. Therefore they are offered AS IS with no warranty, no money back guarantee, no technical support, no ads, and no pretty background (just plain gray and text, the way it was back in the old days, *AND WE LIKED IT*) The author of the material is at the top of each lesson. This is part of the history of guitar lessons on the Internet... From: LIVENGOOD.MIKE@a1gw.gene.com (Mike Livengood) Date: 29 Jun 1995 16:48:06 -0500 Subject: LESSON: TRIADS More triads For those who have been following the lessons that have been posted recently (and for those who haven't) there have been lots of references to triads (See Judy's excellent lesson on Chord Theory). So while we're on the subject I thought I'd continue the discussion with more triad usage and examples. First let's run through a few triad shapes Shape I Shape II A Major (A-C#-E) A Minor (A-C-E) E----- E----- B--5-- B--5-- G--6-- G--5-- D--7-- D--7-- A----- A----- E----- E----- Shape III Shape IV F Major (A-C-F) D Major (A-D-F#) E----- E----- B--6-- B--7-- G--5-- G--7-- D--7-- D--7-- A----- A----- E----- E----- Shape V Shape VI F# Minor (A-C#-F#) D major (D-F#-A) E----- E--5-- B--7-- B--7-- G--6-- G--7-- D--7-- D----- A----- A----- E----- E----- Shape VII Shape VIII D Minor (D-F-A) G major (D-G-B) E--5-- E--7-- B--6-- B--8-- G--7-- G--7-- D----- D----- A----- A----- E----- E----- Shape IX Shape X G Minor (D-G-A#) A Major (C#-E-A) E--6-- E--5-- B--8-- B--5-- G--7-- G--6-- D----- D----- A----- A----- E----- E----- Shape XI Shape XII A Major (E-A-C#) A Minor (E-A-C) E----- E----- B----- B----- G--6-- G--5-- D--7-- D--7-- A--7-- A--7-- E----- E----- These shapes represent twelve very common and very useful triads. All are completely movable. I just kept them in the same position for simplicity. So what good are triads? I can see that they're just parts of chords that I already know...what's the big deal? Well, let's see...one advantage of playing just the triad and not the full 6 string chord is you can still play chords if you hurt one of your fingers....duh... Another plus is simplicity of sound. Like Judy mentioned in her article, if two guitars are playing...full 12 string chords get pretty muddy. But if one guitar plays the major triad (say Shape I above) and the other guitar plays the complimentary major triad (Shape X or XI above) you get a cleaner more harmonious tone. Another advantage is ease of transition between chords, and maintaining the same tones. Take a classic example of the use of triad Shapes I, III, and IV above. This is the intro to Amazing Journey by The Who from Tommy. The chords are C-G...A-E..D-A. Playing the triads makes a real nice progression. C G A E D A shape also youll find that if play an acoustic guitar a lot these triad fingerings are easier on your hands than barre chords. heres another example youngsters wont recognize but is worth noodling with anyway. intro to squonk by genesis off the trick of tail cd. use triads again critical imitate keyboard line. g d 4x e------------------]-----------------] b--8---8-8---8-7---]--3---3-3---3-5--] g--7---7-7---7-7---]--4---4-4---4-6--] d--9---9-9---9-7---]--5---5-5---5-7--] a------------------]-----------------] iii iv i as long were theme one uses triads. tune everyday steve hackett from spectral mornings b e esus e---------------------------------] b--5--7--9---5-7---9-10---9--7----] g--6--8--9---6-8---9-9----9--8----] d--7--9--9---7-9---9-9----9--9----] a---------------------------------] bass plays gsus e--5--7--9---5-7---9--10--9---7---] b--7--9--10--7-9---10-10--10--9---] g--7--9--9---7-9---9--9---9---9---] d---------------------------------] vi viii using allows chord formations around main melody tonewhich in this case e-f#-g# for first little section and a-b-c# secondwithout losing melody. few other fingerings. shape (iv) dsus4 (a-d-g) dsus2 (a-d-e) e----- b--8-- b--5-- g--7-- d--7-- a----- c (viii) gsus4 (d-g-c) gsus2 (d-g-a) e--8-- e--5-- d----- (i) f (vi) asus4 (d-e-a) take look at panama van halen. eddie above adds suspended 4th fingering. dsus e-------------------------------------] b--9--9-10--7--9---10--7---7--7-8--5--] g--9--9-9---8--9---9---8---7--7-7--6--] d--9--9-9---9--9---9---9---7--7-7--7--] a-------------------------------------] notice howsounds like iii?? this: e----------------------] b--7---8-----7---8-----] g--7---7-----7---7-----] d--7---7-----7---9-----] a----------------------] weird huh? maybe not...why would sound g?because substituting third adding g! so fourth up d. see muchve learned? yet shape. lawyersguns money warren zevon. asus e----------------------------------] b--5--5-5---5-5-5-5----5--5-5---9--] g--7--7-6---7-7-7-6----7--7-6---9--] d--7--7-7---7-7-7-7----7--7-7---9--] a----------------------------------] way best cop progressions inversions similar keyboardists them. example. solsbury hill peter gabriel. shapes pictured above. f# b-e e--------------------------------] b--------2---4h5-----4---5-4--2--] g--3--4--3---4---4---4---4-4--3--] d--4--4------4h6--4--4---6-4--4--] a--------------------------------] iv-iii b--------2----5---7----4--5--4--2--] g--3--4--3-----4---4---4--4--4--3--] d--4--4---------6---6--4--6--4--4--] can be number different chords depending note? example: major when played over or minor seventh b. (a-c-f) (a-d-f#) b--6-- b--7-- g--5-- v dominant (a-c#-f#) g--6-- somerather obscure could have names note. utilize secondsfourths sixths familiar thirds fifths. g--9-- e--9-- e--7-- b--9-- yield really cool progressions. been trying incorporate into solo. e--x-x-9--x-x-7--x-x-7--x-x-5--x-x-5-- b--x-x-7--x-x-7--x-x-6--x-x-5--x-x-5-- g--x-x-9--x-x-8--x-x-5--x-x-6--x-x-7-- d------------------------------------- a------------------------------------- e------------------------------------- x= percussive muted strums guess rambled enough. once start playing instead normal whole new worldtransitions altered will open you. comments? *back to the Classic Internet Guitar Lesson Index click here*