Hi Ray,

    Went on line and after trying several different word combos on
    Google found a book with the attached pictures.  The quality is
    not so good because we had to take digital photos of the pages on
    our screen.  Probably be off to jail for violating a bunch of
    copyright laws.

   Also found a bio by Herb Gappa on line.  He was two classes ahead
   of us at GE.  In his write up he says that his novitiate class was
   the last at Bedford and the first at Hingham. That would put the
   transition in late 63 or early 64.

   I know you weren't there.  As I recall, it was a really nice
   facility with an indoor gym and individual rooms for the students.
   The class ahead of us harvested apples from the trees on the
   property, pressed out the juice and bottled it in gallon jugs.  In
   spite of being stored in refrigerators the juice started to cloud
   and ferment.  We made jokes about it being the hard stuff -- it
   really wasn't.  Today we'd call it organic.
Venard-GE  Herb Gappa 

    Herbert was born at home in Urbank, MN, during the blizzard of
    January 4, 1942, the last of five children of Joseph P. and Mary
    Dorn Gappa. Both parents are deceased as well as his brother
    Richard, former mayor of Parkers Prairie, MN, and his sister,
    Mary. He has two other sisters, Dorothy and Bernadine. Herbert
    began his education as one of three first-graders in a one-room
    country school; the teacher was his mother. Benedictine Sisters
    were his teachers at Sacred Heart School in Urbank. One day a
    Maryknoll priest came by to talk, showed the movie "The Miracle of
    Blue Cloud Country" and Herbert "signed up". At age 13, he entered
    Maryknoll Junior Seminary (Venard), Clarks Summit, Pennsylvania,
    for first year high school in September l955. He secured his
    Bachelor of Arts degree in Philosophy at Maryknoll College, Glen
    Ellyn, Illinois in June 1963. His was a transitional class, the
    last to enter the Novitiate at Bedford, MA and the first to enter
    the Novitiate at Hingham, MA. He received his Master of Arts
    degree in Theology at Maryknoll Seminary, New York and was
    ordained a priest on June 8, 1968. His group, part of the "New
    Breed" of the Stormy Sixties, was the last large class (33)
    Maryknoll class to date.

After ordination Father Gappa was assigned to the Maryknoll Mission Region in Tanzania, East Africa. After language and cultural studies of the Sukuma people, Father Gappa was sent to Shinyanga Diocese and served as assistant pastor at Sayu Sayu and Ndoleleji parishes, and as pastor of the Catholic Church in Mipa. He returned home in the Fall of 1972 to help care for his hospitalized mother, and found temporary employment at Leisure Dynamics, a toy factory in Bloomington, MN. May 1, 1973 brought a three year assignment to the Maryknoll Development House in Minneapolis.

Besides his extensive development work Father Gappa did a great deal of networking with existing organizations involved in social justice, assisting in workshops, lectures, awareness raising programs and college classroom lectures.

Father Gappa was reassigned to the Tanzania Mission Region on July 1, 1976. He studied Swahili language and took up pastoral work in the Old Maswa Parish in Bariadi, Shinyanga Diocese. He began work to start a parish in the new District Center in Bariadi. Pastoral organization, staff and building all followed. He was somewhat of a pioneer in integrating ecology into parish life, and connecting the planting of trees to Baptism and Salvation. He continues with efforts in agro-silvi-pastoral research.

Father Gappa has served the Region in various ways, including appointments to the Regional Council (1986) and as Assistant Regional Superior (October 1989 to September 1992). He attended Vatican II Institute for Priests at St. Patrick's Seminary, Menlo Park, California, in 1988. Summing up his years, Father Gappa would say: "MUNGU NI KUBWA" (God is Big, i.e., powerful) and "Life is what happens when you're planning something else. Herb's Ministry

Visit the Maryknollers Currently in Shinyanga, Tanzania