Hi Ray, Great to hear from you. But first I must tell you that I have a new email address: Hankeo7@comcast.net. I still check the old one occasionally but mail may sit there for weeks so if you wouldn't mind please update your address book. When I received the picture I felt sure that I would recognize folks from the class of 1969, not realizing it referred to the year they graduated from GE and not the ordination year. I couldn't recognize any of the faces or names. Man, I thought my memory was getting even worse than folks tell me... until I figured out my mistake. I went to Map Quest to see if I could locate the novitiate in Hingham which is where it had moved from Bedford just a few years before our class arrived there in 1965. I didn't have an address but thought it's a small town and I should be able to find it by looking at aerial photos but no such luck. Not sure if it even is still there. I been hearing a lot about IBM or Oracle acquiring Sun. Has this effected you. My son, Chris, got notice that he and many of the employees brought on board by the Storagetek acquisition several years ago are being let go. He seems to be taking it in stride. If it were me I'd be frantic. The prospect of having a new house and a young family and no job in this economic downturn would be scaring me ---- but he must know something I don't. I was mentioning to Karen after I received your email that everytime that I read an email about Maryknoll, I am flooded with so many menmories. She asked why. I guess that I feel that it was such a simple time of genuine innocence that is gone forever. The memory is something special but in many ways unexplainable. Its a memory that is shared with just a few others. Sadly their numbers are decreasing and with them the memory is slipping away too. What a cheery note to end on. Anyway I hope you are doing well and always enjoy hearing from you, Hank