Richard Kelly

Venard 53/54

I live in Knoxville, Tennessee. Went to CCNY for my BA and Duke for my 
MA and Ph.D. Been teaching at the University of Tennessee since 1965 and 
retired about two years ago. English professor. Grew up in New York 
City. I still have powerful memories of the Venard, where I was a 
special student, having already graduated from high school. Went on to Glen 
Ellen for a semester, then left the seminary and completed my freshman 
year at the University of Nebraska and then returned to NYC to 
attend CCNY, at which I got my BA.


The old abandoned house was in walking distance from the Venard but
not on Venard property. We all went there during our free time from
the seminary.

This picture is on the site (Kelly contributor)

Could this be the shack where the familt lived that Mike Mulhern mentioned ?

Richard Kelly  two pictures

One is of John Ryan in the woods behind the Venard.  The other
features: left to right: Jim Sinnott, Richard Kelly, Joe Johnson, Bill
Beatty, Joe Schmelly, and Harry Vaughn.

The old abandoned house was in walking distance from the Venard but
not on Venard property. We all went there during our free time from
the seminary.

Here are the partial ids for the two photos. I cannot spell three of
the names: one is pronounced "Check Schneider" and his name begins
with an "X." The other name I cannot spell is pronounced "Rat a
check." A third is pronounced "Say Ja," which I render as "Czja."

Photo at old house: From left: John Ryan, Paul Ramsey, Gene Toland
(who went on to ordination), Joe Herring.  Foreground and seated from
left: Joe Johnson, Frank Xschneider

Photo at the back of the Venard: Seated on bench: Vincent Buonello,
Paul Czja, ?, ?  Standing on left: ?  Standing on right: Ratzchek, ?
Sitting left to right: Joe Herring, John Ryan, Bob Lilly, and Bob