Charlie Lockwood

Hi Ray,
Thanks so much for sending the incredible number of photos--such
wonderful memories.  Amazing to see the views of the Venard, what a
fantastic campus we had; I don't think I appreciated it at the time.

Just spent a week in Germany with Mike O'Brien and his wife
Daina. then we visited another classmate Tony DiNardini who lives half
of the year in Hungry(he was our host for 5 days).  Then my wife Peggy
and I spent a week in Bad Gastein, Austria and 4 days each in
Saltzburg, Vienna and Prague.
Thanks again for all the memories.  I have some materials that I will
foward to you if I can find the time.  Our first gandchild will be
born in August, 2013.
Peace and ad multos annos, Charlie Lockwood (GE 1966, Our ordination
group was 1971--same year Peggy and I were married)