From: "Daniel A. Pavsek"

This is really for you, but I am broadcasting to the entire group in
case anyone else might have an interest.

In 1962, the Venard yearbook staff of the "Chi-Rho" dedicated our
efforts to two Jubilarians: Felix White on the 25th anniversary of
his ordination and Brother Ignatius on the 20th anniversary of his
service at the Venard.

At that time the following was written about Felix:

"Father White was born in Geneva, New York on November 30, 1909, the
son of Joseph and Sarah White.  After graduating from Saint Stephen's
grammar school and Saint Francis de Sales' High School, he entered
Georgetown University in the fall of 1927.  While making a retreat at
the latter place, Father decided to join Maryknoll.  He arrived at the
Venard on November 12, 1928.  In the fall of 1930 he was promoted to
Maryknoll, New York and was a member of the first novitiate class.  He
was ordained on June 16, 1937 by Bishop James E. Walsh [recently
elected SG] and was assigned to Pyeng-Yang, Korea.

"While in Korea, Father was pastor of two parishes - Masan and Chuwa.
When war broke in 1941, he was interned by the Japanese and in August
of 1942 was repatriated [I believe that he was repatriated on the ship
- Gripson (sp?)].  He was then assigned to Yucatan [Mexico], but an
automobile accident prevented him from going there and instread he was
appointed Rector and Local Superior of the Maryknoll House in Buffalo,
New York.  After five years, Father went to the Maryknoll Junior
College in Lakewood, New Jersey to teach history.  The following year
he was appointed Rector of the Maryknoll Junior Seminary in Mountain
View, California.  After his term of office he taught history at
Maryknoll Seminary, New York for three years and at our college in
Glenn Ellyn, Illinois for a short period of time.

"When asked to explain his sentiments in being a Jubilarian, Father
used these words, 'I am glad to God that I have lived to see the
"years of Peter' and I am glad "to rejoice in this, the day that the
Lord has made." ' "

Of course, I knew Felix well at the Venard - he was my prof and I,
with my classmates, took care of him.  By that time, he was having
many physical problems and was drinking too much.  We went on to GE
and a year or two later, he came to live at GE.  We took care of him
there, and (I am sorry I don't remember the exact day) then in 1965 or
1966 we laid him to rest.  One of our classmates, Richard Baker - MM
working in Africa today - is affectionately called Felix by us.  He
got that name at the Venard because he was such a good friend to Felix
White.  I have often thought of Felix White - he knew how to break the
rules, but he also knew how to love and to believe.  There are stories
that I could tell, but I will only do that if someone has an interest.

Yes, I remember this because I was on that Chi-Rho staff when that
piece was written and I was the one asked to write it.  Hope this
brings back some memories for others.  I know that Felix always liked
"Charlie Brown" aka Allen Schied.

Dan Pavsek

Others on the Chi-Rho Staff
Richard "Horse" O'Brien
Jack Croucher [don't know where they are];
John Francis Adams now in California and brother of Tom Adams,
    who signed me up for Maryknoll in 1960;
Leonard Cieslinski who is still in Rochester working in education;
Jack Albertine, an influential economist and corporate type in DC and brother of
        Richard Albertine, MM.

Principal players at the Venard in 1962:
Louis Wolken (rector),
Edward "Uncle Uppitie Ed" Condon,
Tom Burke,
James J. O'Donnell,
Robert D. O'Connor,
Brendan Branely,
Robert Julien,
Francis Parker Milroy,
Francis X. Lyons (Felix White's drinkin buddy)
George Rattermann.

Thanks, Dan for the info on Fr. White.  When I was at the Venard, I
stayed there over Easter break one year, and during that time I went
over to Lourdesmount (girls' reform school across the way) with
Fr. White to serve Mass.  We were served a very nice breakfast after
Mass and Fr. White said that this was the "bonus part of the onus".
As we left to go back across the road to the Venard, a couple of
(horny??) girls yelled a greating out the window at us young studs.