Pictures from John O'Brien (email)
Priests 1949-50
Allen Goddard Kenney Gillerand
Pfister Mallon McMonigal Ziegengeist Cahill
Weis Mailhot Kiernan Nolan Robinson
Chow time 1949
The audience at showtime - December 18, 1949
(even then no one sat up front)
KP at GE 1950
Our Chapel 1950
The "Cook" February 1950
Easter 1950 Fathers Cahill, Kiernan, Robinson
Faculty Spring 1950 (Kenney 3rd from right ?)
Brother Brian Catcher - May 1950
Fr Goddard ("Tiny") 1950
Brothers 1950 (Brian missing)
Terrence Morris Bede
Peter Donald Adrian