Tom Lyon off on a bike ride. This was the entrance to the Hingham property. Directly across the street was a public pine forrest.
A cookout next to the farm house - Fr. Diffley, Br. Paul and a Maryknoll brother next to the house. In the truck bed from front to back are Michael Taylor, Russ Feldmeier (almost hidden in hat), Tom Lyon and Larry McPherson. Standing are Chris Turczany and a Maryknoll brother. Sorry I forgot his name. Besides Br. Paul there were 2-3 other brothers who helped maintain the buildings and grounds.
Soccer time: l-r Dick McGee, Nick Cierri, Homer Lathrop, Russ Feldmeier and Michael Taylor
We won a few games - we played an AA group who used our facility for meetings.
Love the uniforms!!!! The gym was cool!
Waiting on the bench to bat. Back to front: Fr. Tom Keefe, Jimmy Johnson, Joe Fedora, Larry McPherson, Maryknoll brother and Nick Cieri.
Beach trip: l-r Joe Fedora, Carlos Aguilar and Michael Taylor
More outside fun!
Working with inner city kids at the Hingham pond - and Jimmy Johnson catching some rays!
Youth ministry at a Boston Catholic parish
More outside fun: top - Larry, Greg and Chris by the frozen pond; middle - Larry, Chris and Michael petting a neighbor's cow; bottom Michael with our weekend cook Cleo Johnson (right) and her friend Madeleine by the pond.
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