Using Google Translate (iPhone)
Note: This tutorial is for the iPhone (I have not tried it on other smartphones). Google Translate on a PC is similar but you may not have Voice Mode, Conversation Mode, Handwriting Mode or Camera Mode. On a PC, there is a "Document" input similar to Image Mode
Home screen
Translating from the language on the left (e.g. English) to the one on the right (e.g. German).
You can change each language by clicking on a language and selecting a different language.
Text mode
- Enter text.
- As you type, it shows translation.
- Now click "go".
- It shows translations and gives you the ability to listen by clicking on the speaker icon.
Here is an example where it shows alternate translations.
Voice Mode (probably not on PC)
- click on the microphone
- you will see a red flashing dot
It is listening for the "from" language.
Now speak, then stop speaking.
If you touch the red button, the system will deliver the translation.(alternately, after a short pause with silence, the system will deliver the translation).
Conversation mode (probably not on PC)
Click on double microphone (conversation)
You will see the red dot with one language highlighted in red, and the other language not highlighted.
Speak the highlighted language
It tries to recognize and translate that language.
As you speak, it displays the other language
Click the red dot, or wait a short time without speaking to capture the input.
You can ask it to listen for both languages by clicking the red dot before speaking. Now both languages are highlighted,and it will try to determine which language is being spoken, and translate into the other language. This allows for two people to speack to each other, each is his own language, without changing mode.
Handwriting mode (probably not on PC)
Click on the pen (handwriting).
Now you can use your finger to write something in the lower window.
- it displays what you write in the top screen, then after a short delay, clears the writing screen but not the captured text. Touch the space bar and write more.
Click the blue arrow to finish the input session.
Camera mode (probably not on PC)
Touch the camera icon.
You will now be using the camera with a center bar that says:
"[align text]"
Now point the camera at some text in the "from" language, for example:
It will instantaneously visually translate the text to the other language.
You can also scan the text and capture it for translation. While pointing at the text, and framing the text to translate, press the red camera button and the text will be scanned. Each word recognized will be outlined.
Now you can select a part of the text by sliding your finger over the desired subset of the scanned text.
After selecting, click the blue arrow in upper right to capture and translate the selected text.
Alternately to select ALL the selected text, instead of outlining with your finger, you can click on the square at the bottom of the screen and all the text will be selected, and each word will be outlined in blue..
Now as before, click the blue arrow in upper right to capture and translate. You will then see:
and the translation will asppear below as usual.
Image file Mode (PC allows input of a document)
If you have an image that contains text, say a jpg, you can scan it, capture it and translated it.
First select camera mode, then click on the picture icon (square to right of red camera button). This will bring up your photos. Select an album, then a picture with some text.
The text will be scanned, captured and translated as described in camera mode.
Clicking the blue arrow yields:
Note that in this example, we scanned a cartoon to capture its text. We could scan an image of pure text. We could then capture that text independent of a need to translate it. This would give us an editable text file to use in lessons.