Voith Family Tree
Voith Family Tree

Schönfeld was in Austria in 1866. Today it is in the Czech Republic. It is near Karlovy Vary (Carlsbad) west of Prague, near the West German border. In 1866 it was in the district of Elbogen, in the county seat of Eger, in the Kingdom of Bohmen. Today Elbogen is a town called Loket, and Schönfeld is a town called Krasno, about 15 miles south of Karlovy Vary. [...near Karlsbad (late Carlsbad; Czech Karlovy Vary). In the 'Ortlslexikon der Boehmischen Laender 1910-1965', by Heribert Sturm, it's listed (edition 1983) under "Politischer Bezirk Elbogen, Gerichtsbezirk Elbogen", on page 141, as number 29. In ancient times, it had about 2.000, today it has 1.000 inhabitants.]

Schönfeld has areas or addresses, apparently which are named on the birth certificates. They are listed as "N.C. X" where X is a number. In the tree these numbers are given as (# X). [N.C. is something like "numerus convenii" (?) and is the house's number. In small towns, there were no street names, just numbers.]

In Schönfeld, the church (Roman Catholic) was St. Catharina V.M. The priest was Father George Frank (or Brenk ?). In 1865 the parish pfarrer (official) was Johann Schissler( Schiffl?). [A friend got parts of a "Catalogus venerabilis Cleri ... Archicioeceseos Pragenae" of 1860. At that time, the Parrocus was Mich. Werner, and the Capellanus was Georg Koppmann. By the way, the czech village name of that time seems to have been Techomysl), but the language indicated was German.]

The following are the family trees of the parents of Raymond P. Voith

The first tree is for Lawrence J. Voith Sr.

The second tree is for Mary Regina Hinnebusch