The Greatest Guitar Course in the World This site has my guitar lessons and associated audio (mp3) files. The site is intended for study only and as a means to learn guitar. The audio files are not professional quality. I am only an average singer, but the audio files may help you to learn the songs and hear some of the guitar playing that you will be learning.
[Click] 2020 Fall Weekly lessons (with recordings)
[Click] 2021 Spring Weekly lessons (with recordings)
Search for songs

        [Click] Songs/Music (Ray's Collection)
        [Click] Songs (Student Favorites)
        [Click] Large Song Book ("Jim's Book")
            select "Guitar (EADGBE)" in the box on top left
        [Click] More Song Books
        [Click] Google (for example, search for "country roads chords")
        [Click] Traditional Music site - large number of songs, etc.
        [Click] ultimate-guitar webpage
        [Click] Acoustic Life
        [Click] Singing on Key
        [Click] Other Lessons
[Click] Buying a guitar
[Click] My Beginner Course - Description and Topics

[Click] Full Guitar Book In One File

[Click] Audio/Video Lessons
[Click] Front Cover
Table of Contents (one pdf file per lesson)

[Click] Lesson 1 (Introduction And Basics)

        Typical Progression Through the Class
        [Click] Tuning (Audio)
        Re-Stringing a Guitar
        Guitar Position (Left Hand)
        Guitar Position (Right Hand)

[Click] Lesson 2 (D, A7 And G Chords)

        Songs in D
               [Click] Skip To My Lou (Audio)
               [Click] Down In the Valley (Audio)
               [Click] On Top Of Old Smokey (Audio)
               [Click] Michael Row the Boat Ashore (Audio)
               [Click] Twinkle Twinkle Little Star (Audio) (NOT READY YET)
               Playing Difficulties

[Click] More verses for songs (alphabetical order)

[Click] Lesson 3 (Timing And Simple Strums)

        [Click] 2/4 (4/4) TP Strum (Audio)
        [Click] 3/4 TPP Strum (Audio)
        [Click] Songs from Lesson 2 using TP and TPP
        Strum Patterns

[Click] Lesson 4 (G, D7 And C Chords)

        Songs In G
               [Click] Blowing In The Wind (Audio)
               [Click] This Land Is Your Land (Audio)
               [Click] Where Have All The Flowers Gone (Audio)
               [Click] Battle Hymn Of The Republic (Audio)
               Kumbaya (No Audio)
               Happy Birthday (No Audio)
               [Click] Country Roads (Audio)
               [Click] I've Been Working On The Railroad (Audio)
        Tips On Playing Chords

[Click] More verses for songs (alphabetical order)

[Click] Lesson 5 (Chords In The Keys Of A, C And E)

        Songs In A
               [Click] Tom Dooley (Audio)
               My Bonnie Lies Over The Ocean (No Audio)
               [Click] He's Got The Whole World In His Hands (Audio)
               [Click] Rock My Soul In The Bossom Of Abraham (Audio)
        Songs In C
               [Click] You Are My Sunshine (Audio)
               [Click] Red River Valley (Audio)
        Songs In E
               [Click] Edelweiss (Audio)
               [Click] Amazing Grace (Audio)
        Songs In F
               [Click] Riddle Song (Audio)
               [Click] Crawdad Song (Audio)

[Click] More verses for songs (alphabetical order)

[Click] Lesson 6 (Chords for Minor Keys)

        Songs In A Minor
               [Click] House Of The Rising Sun (Audio)
               [Click] Scarborough Fair (Audio)
               [Click] Sound Of Silence (Audio)
               God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen (No Audio)
        Songs In D Minor
               [Click] El Condor Pasa (Audio)
               [Click] Sunrise, Sunset (Audio)
        Songs In E Minor
               [Click] I'm Just A Poor Wayfarin' Stranger (Audio)
               [Click] When Johnny Comes Marching Home Again (Audio)

[Click] More verses for songs (alphabetical order)

[Click] Lesson 7 (Transposing And Capo Use)

        A Simple Transposing Table
        Circle Of Fifths (Circle Of Chords)
            Transposing Using The Circle Of Fifths (Circle Of Chords)
                With transposing circles (cut-outs)
        [Click] A transposing website -

        The Capo
        Interval (Steps) Between Notes In The Scale
        A Capo Placement Circle (cut-out)
        When the Saints Go Marching In (In 6 Chord Sets)
            [Click] (Audio)

[Click] Lesson 8 (Tablature Notation)

        Right Hand Notation For Strums
        Left Hand Notation For Melody
        Brush Notation
        Hammer-On And Pull-Off
        Double Thumbing
        Notation For Repeat Sign:
        Special Notation
        Single Note Songs At Base of Neck
               [Click] Honky-Tonk (Audio)
               [Click] Honky-Tonk Video Lesson
               [Click] Rock Run (Audio)
               [Click] I Shall Not Be Moved (Audio)
               [Click] I Shall Not Be Moved (Video) (Video/Audio from concert)
               [Click] I Shall Not Be Moved Video Lesson (first on strings 456, then on strings 345)
        Scales In Four-Fret Boxes
               [Click] Scale in a Four-Fret Box Video Lesson
        Songs In Four-Fret Boxes on the Guitar Neck
               [Click] Twinkle Twinkle Little Star Video Lesson (in 4 fret box, frets 3-6, frets 8-11)
               [Click] I Shall Not Be Moved Video Lesson (in 4 fret box, frets 3-6, frets 8-11)
               Happy Birthday
               On Top of Old Smokey
               Down in the Valley
               Michael Row the Boat Ashore
               Tom Dooley
               Row Row Row Your Boat
               Amazing Grace
               Skip to My Lou (Compare to earlier versions)
               Red River Valley
               You are My Sunshine
               When The Saints Go Marching In (1)
               When The Saints Go Marching In (2)
               This Land is Your Land
               Silent Night - 1
               Silent Night - 2
               Blowing In The Wind

[Click] More verses for songs (alphabetical order)

[Click] Lesson 9 (Strums for Guitar)

        Flat Picking Strums

        Using Hammer-Ons

        Strums For Guitar
               [Click] TP (Audio)
               [Click] TP (Skip to my Lou) Video Lesson
               [Click] TPP (Audio)
               [Click] TPP (Down in the Valley) Video Lesson
               [Click] TDU TDU (Skip to my Lou) (Audio)
               [Click] TDU TDU (Skip to my Lou) Video Lesson
               [Click] TDUDU TDUDU (Down in the Valley) (Audio)
               [Click] TDUDU TDUDU (Down in the Valley) Video Lesson
               [Click] T D TUDU (Skip to my Lou) (Audio)
               [Click] T D TUDU (Skip to my Lou) Video Lesson
               [Click] Travis Picking (T T1 T2T1) (Blowing in the Wind) (Audio)
               [Click] Travis Picking Strum (Skip to my Lou) Video Lesson both hands
               [Click] travisStrum(body)-Skip.mp4
        Strums For Guitar (Arpeggios)
               [Click] Skip to my Lou (2/4) (Audio)
               [Click] Down in the Valley (3/4) (Audio)
               [Click] Down in the Valley (3/4) Video
               [Click] Amazing Grace (3/4) (Audio)

[Click] Lesson 10 (Bass Runs)

        Inserting Bass Runs

        [Click] Key Of D Bass Runs (Audio)
               [Click] Bass Run D-A7-D, D-G-D Video Lesson
               Skip To My Lou (Bass Runs - With Slow Strum)
               Skip To My Lou (Bass Runs - With Fast Strum)
               Down In The Valley (Bass Runs)
               When The Saints Go Marching In (Bass Runs)
        [Click] Key Of G Bass Runs (Audio)
               This Land Is Your Land (Bass Runs)
        [Click] Key Of C Bass Runs (Audio)
               Red River Valley (Bass Runs)
        [Click] Key Of A Bass Runs (Audio)
               On Top Of Old Smokey (Bass Runs)
        [Click] Key Of E Bass Runs (Audio)
               Riddle Song (Bass Runs)

[Click] Lesson 11 (Flatpicking Style)

        [Click] You Are My Sunshine (Audio)
        [Click] Wildwood Flower(Key of C) (Audio)
        Wildwood Flower(Key of G)
        On Top Of Old Smokey (Key Of G - No Audio)
        On Top Of Old Smokey (Key Of C - No Audio)
        This Land Is Your Land (Key Of C)
        This Land Is Your Land (Key Of G)
        [Click] I Walk The Line (Audio)

[Click] More verses for songs (alphabetical order)

[Click] Lesson 12 (Fingerpicking Style)

        [Click] Freight Train I (Audio)
        [Click] Freight Train II (Audio)
        [Click] Soulcake (Audio)
        [Click] Sugar Babe (Audio)
        Silent Night (I)
        [Click] Silent Night (II) (Audio)
        [Click] Good King Wenceslas (Audio)
        Adeste Fideles
        We Three Kings
        [Click] Fennario (Audio)
        [Click] Steff's Reel, Cumberland Fairwell (Audio)
        [Click] Railroad Bill (Audio)
        [Click] Will The Circle Be Unbroken (Audio)
        Four Finger Rag
        [Click] Portland Town (Audio)

[Click] More verses for songs (alphabetical order)

[Click] Appendix (General Music Information

        Musical Notes (Western Music)
        Major Scale
        Modes Using Notes of the Major Scale
        Modes Chart and Circle
            [Click] Modes Chart and Circle (cut-out)
        Pentatonic Scales
        Musical Notes On Guitar Strings on the Neck
        Notes On Musical Staff With Guitar Tablature
        Notes On The Staff
        Barre Chords
        Power Chords
        Chord Formatioon
        Miscellaneous Notes
        Major Chord Progressions
        Minor Chord Progressions
        Chords In Alphabetical Order
        More Chord Charts
        [Click] Large file with many chords
        [Click] Large file with many chords (another version)
        [Click] Multiple Screen Version
        [Click] Text Version