------AAAAAAA------ Aerial Satellite Photos [Click] Venard Aerial Photos [Click] 2010 Venard Aerial Satellite Maps Venard [Click] 2014 Aerial view of Venard from a drone [Click] 2010 Glen Ellyn [Click] Knoll [Click] Knoll Maryknoll movie Akron [Click] 1946-47 Adams Tom - Akron Catalogue 1946-47 [Click] Adams Tom - Seminary Days (Akron, Venard, GE, Novitiate, Knoll) Alabama Bombing Victims [Click] Letters To/From Families of Victims (from Stan Sztaba) Armed Forces [Click] Maryknollers in Armed Services Armed Forces [Click] Mike Hendrickson Memorial (Vietnam Vet)[Click] To Index Top
------BBBBBBB------ Baptist Bible College [Click] (formerly Venard) Bedford Novitiate [Click] Brookline Mass [Click] Brookline Ma (Minor Seminary)(1945-47) Brookline Mass [Click] Minor Seminary at Brookline, Burke John, 1945-47 Brookline Mass [Click] 1950-51 More pictures of the Brookline Seminary Brookline [Click] John Crowley Brookline [Click] Mike Giudice Brothers/Nuns [Click] Brothers, Father Don Haren (Herman Family Connection) [Click] History of Maryknoll Brothers [Click] Maryknoll Brothers (Herman Family Connection) [Click] Brother Butsch alone at Butlers [Click] Nuns and Brothers Buildings [Click] Tom Adams - Glen Ellyn Very Early Building[Click] To Index Top
------CCCCCCC------ Categories [Click] Baptist Bible College (Venard) Categories [Click] Bedford Categories [Click] Brookline Categories [Click] Chesterfield Categories [Click] Contributors Categories [Click] Dates Categories [Click] Favorites Categories [Click] Glen Ellyn Categories [Click] Hingham Categories [Click] Knoll Categories [Click] Lakewood Categories [Click] Los Altos Categories [Click] Mighty Ones of Maryknoll Categories [Click] Mountain View Categories [Click] Novitiate Categories [Click] Nuns and Brothers Categories [Click] Ordination Class Categories [Click] Priests Categories [Click] Publications Categories [Click] Recent Categories [Click] Reunions Categories [Click] Rosters Categories [Click] Sports Categories [Click] Unteachables Categories [Click] Venard Categories [Click] Videos Categories [Click] Who's Who Celebacy History of [Click] Celebacy (History of) Chapel [Click] Glen Ellyn Chapel Chat [Click] 20xx? Venard/GE A chat about leaving the seminary Chat [Click] 2008-05-30 Venard/GE A chat Seminary and leaving (Calouro, Kehoe, Meadows, Voith - ordination Class of 70) Chat [Click] 19xx-20xx Misc Short Notes From Many People Chesterfield [Click] Chesterfield Missouri (Minor Seminary Main Site) Chesterfield [Click] Construction 1959-62 Chesterfield [Click] Stained Glass Chesterfield [Click] Tower editions Vol I (from Mike Mulhern) Chesterfield [Click] Chesterfield Tower Vol I No. 6 (from Mike Mulhern) Chesterfield [Click] Chesterfield Tower Vol I No. 12 (from Mike Mulhern) Chesterfield [Click] Tower editions Vol III (from Mike Mulhern) Chesterfield [Click] Chesterfield Tower Vol III No. 8 (from Mike Mulhern) Chesterfield [Click] postcard from Chesterfield Chesterfield [Click] 1963 Limina Yearbook (from Michael Terry) Chesterfield [Click] 1964 Limina Yearbook from Horace Busch Chesterfield [Click] 2010 Current Chesterfield [Click] 2013 Foster Braun Chesterfield [Click] Minor Seminary in 2013-14 - Logan University today Chesterfield Rogers David, Social Media Strategist Contributors Adams Tom Contributors [Click] 1950 - June 25 - Glen Ellyn Dedication - June 25, 1950 Contributors [Click] 1998 - Ordination Class of 1958, 40th Reunion, 1998 Contributors [Click] 19xx Priests Tom Adams - Obituary - Fr Milt Rosera Contributors [Click] 1946-47 - Akron Catalogue 1946-47 Contributors [Click] 1946 - Early Recruitment Letters - 1946 Contributors [Click] - Seminary Days (Akron, Venard, GE, Novitiate, Knoll) Contributors [Click] 1952 Jan 17 - Glen Ellyn in Chicago Tribune Jan 17, 1952 Contributors [Click] 1950 - Glen Ellyn Address Book 1950 Contributors [Click] 1950-1951 - Glen Ellyn Catalogue-1950-1951 Contributors [Click] 1952-1953 - Glen Ellyn Catalogue-1952-53 Contributors [Click] 1952 Oct - Glen Ellyn Directory-Oct-1952 Contributors [Click] 1953, June 7 - Glen Ellyn Dupage June 7, 1953 Contributors [Click] 1953-05-11 - Glen Ellyn - GE-1953-05-11-Track&Field Contributors [Click] - Glen Ellyn Very Early Building Contributors [Click] 1949-1953 - Glen Ellyn (14 Glen Echo Issues - 1949-1953) Contributors [Click] 1949-1953 - Glen Ellyn - Pictures from Glen Echo 1949-1953 Contributors [Click] - Glen Ellyn Plays Contributors [Click] - Glen Ellyn - Starved Rock State Park Contributors [Click] 1981-1985 - Interchange/ChiRho/Tunc et Nunc/Diaspora issues 1981-1985 Contributors [Click] 1938, 1948, 1958, 1973 - Jubilee 1998 - Ordination Classes of 1938, 1948, 1958, 1973 Contributors [Click] 2018 - 2018 Jubilee Brochure Contributors [Click] 2018 Jubilee (48 in 58) Contributors [Click] 1958 - Ordination - Class of 1958 Contributors [Click] - Miscellaneous Contributors [Click] 1962 - Maryknoll Magazine November 1962 Contributors [Click] - Studying-Reading in Latin Contributors [Click] 1949 - Venard - 1949-MemorialDay-FieldTrack Contributors [Click] - Venard - Classicum - 3 Issues Contributors [Click] - Venard - Play - Brother Orchid Contributors [Click] - Venard grades Contributors [Click] 1918-1958 - Venard-Dunwoodie (1918-1958) Contributors [Click] - Venard Aerial Photos Contributors [Click] - Venarder - 3 Issues Contributors [Click] - Why I Became A Missioner Contributors [Click] - You Can Change The World Contributors Allen Bill Contributors [Click] 1971 Cochabamba Contributors Armstrong, Ed Contributors [Click] Mighty Ones of Maryknoll Contributors Arrando, Angelo Contributors [Click] Mighty Ones of Maryknoll 1964-68 Glen Ellyn Contributors Baisley, Dick Contributors [Click] Ordination Cards - Class of 1966 Contributors [Click] Venard Classicum Editions - 1953 Contributors [Click] Venard Rules 1953-55 Contributors [Click] Venard Field Day 1955 Contributors [Click] Venard Class of 1957 Contributors [Click] Venard Priests at Venard 1953-7 (from Dick Baisley) Contributors [Click] Venard 1953-54 Contributors Batkay Bill Contributors [Click] 1961-1963 Glen Ellyn Bill Batkay Memoirs and Pictures of Glen Ellyn (1961-1963) Contributors Birzer, Norm Contributors [Click] Birzer, Norm 1965 Hingham, Knoll Contributors Bisdorf, Don Contributors [Click] Venard 1960-61 Contributors Bradley, Chris Contributors [Click] Reunion at the Rim - Band of Brothers (GE Class of 1965) Contributors [Click] Glen Ellyn - 1961-65 Contributors [Click] Hingham Novitiate - 1966 Contributors [Click] Jubilee 1995 Ordination Class of 1970 Contributors [Click] Ordination Class of 1970 Contributors Braun, Foster Contributors [Click] Mighty Ones of Maryknoll Contributors [Click] 2013 Chesterfield Contributors Briggs, Contributors [Click] Fr Everett Francis Briggs Memoir, by Barbara Smith Contributors Brodrick, Jeff (Baptist Bible College) Contributors [Click] Venard 1920s-1930s Contributors [Click] Venard Class of 1961 45th Reunion Contributors Brown, Tom Contributors [Click] Venard Class of 1961 45th Reunion Contributors Burke, John 1947-50 Contributors [Click] Minor Seminary at Brookline, Burke John, 1945-47 Contributors [Click] Lakewood (Maryknoll College) 1947-50 Lakewood NJ Contributors [Click] Glen Ellyn - 1950-51 Contributors Burkhardt, Dave Contributors [Click] 1964-66, Pictures from Venard, GE Contributors [Click] 2013-02 Trip to Venard Contributors Busch Horace Contributors [Click] 1964 Chesterfield Limina Yearbook from Horace Busch Contributors Buscicio Frank 1966 [Click] 1966 Glen Ellyn Glen Echo Contributors Butsch Contributors [Click] Brother Butsch alone at Butlers Contributors Byrnes, Ron Contributors [Click] Venard 1948-49 Contributors [Click] Glen Ellyn - ~1953 Contributors Buko Joe Contributors [Click] GE Pictures from Joe Buko Contributors Calouro, Moses Contributors [Click] Venard Courier Vol II 1960-61 (from Mo Calouro, Glen Deutsch, Mike Mulhern) Contributors Cedar, Terry Contributors [Click] Terry Cedar Maryknoll Class of 1967 Contributors [Click] Terry Cedar Maryknoll 40th Reunion 06-2007 Contributors Chaney, Bob Contributors [Click] Glen Ellyn - 1959- Contributors [Click] Bedford Mass 1960-61 (From Bob Chaney) Contributors [Click] Bedford Mass 1960-61 - Old Stills (From Bob Chaney) Contributors Chenicek Don Contributors [Click] Some new Pictures from Don Chenicek (GE, Bedford, Knoll) Contributors [Click] Pictures from Don Chenicek (GE, Bedford, Knoll) Contributors Ciccarello Frank [Click] 2005 Venard Class of 1961 40TH Reunion Contributors Cieslinski, John (Leonard) Contributors [Click] 1960-12 - Venarder Contributors [Click] 1961-06 - Venarder Contributors [Click] 1961-12 - Venarder Contributors [Click] 1962-06 - Venarder Contributors [Click] Pictures Contributors [Click] Play 1961 - Career Angel Contributors [Click] Play 1960 - Sound of Hunting Contributors [Click] Two Plays Contributors [Click] Venard Diary December 1961 Contributors [Click] 1962-66 - Pictures Contributors [Click] 1962-66 - Play - Man for all Seasons Contributors [Click] 1962-66 - Play - Gideon Contributors [Click] 1962-66 - Movie - Hope of the Harvest Contributors Collignon Jim Contributors [Click] Musical Compositions Contributors Conneely, Dudley Contributors [Click] Glen Ellyn Basketball and Soccer team 1964-6 Contributors Covert, Don Contributors [Click] Glen Ellyn Pictures (19xx-yy) from Don Covert Contributors Crews, Cheryl (for Lynch, Jerry) Contributors [Click] Jerry Lynch, Sculptor - GE class of 1965 Contributors Crowley John Contributors [Click] Brookline, Venard, Lakewood, GE, Bedford Contributors DeFrank, John Contributors [Click] Venard Diary of Maryknoll Missioners in 50's Contributors (These were read in the refectory at dinnertime by seminarians) Contributors [Click] Venard Pictures and rosters 1953-56 Contributors Deutsch, Glen Contributors [Click] Venard 1957, including Freshman class picture (Venard Class of 1961) (from Mike Dillon and Glen Deutsch) Contributors [Click] Venard 1958-59 Contributors [Click] Venard April 1959 Contributors [Click] Venard Promotion brochure Contributors [Click] Venard Chi Rho Yearbook 1959 Contributors [Click] Venard Courier Vol II 1960-61 (from Mo Calouro, Glen Deutsch, Mike Mulhern) Contributors Dietz Richard [Click] 1966-70 Glen Ellyn Contributors Dillon Bill [Click] 1963 Venard Student Manual Maryknoll Junior Seminary Contributors Dillon, Mike Contributors [Click] Venard 1957, including Freshman class picture (Venard Class of 1961) (from Mike Dillon and Glen Deutsch) Contributors Doyle, Bob Contributors [Click] Glen Ellyn ~1999 (Before demolition) Contributors [Click] Glen Ellyn April 2000 (Before demolition) Contributors Dziedzic, Tom Contributors [Click] Glen Ellyn 1970 Contributors Ehrhorn, Tom Contributors [Click] Glen Ellyn 1964-66 Contributors Eichstaedt, Gerry Contributors [Click] Venard 1958-9 Contributors [Click] Venard class roster from 1958-59 Contributors [Click] Venard class roster from 1959-60 Contributors Fahey Joe [Click] Knoll (Classes of 1965 and 1967) Contributors Federle, William Contributors [Click] Federle, Bill Contributors Fenton, Tom Contributors [Click] Venard Class of 1961 45th Reunion Contributors Fox Bob Contributors [Click] Tribute to Bishop Ford Contributors [Click] 1965-67 Pictures Glen Ellyn 1965-67 Contributors Fry, George Contributors [Click] Mighty Ones of Maryknoll Contributors [Click] Movies of Glen Ellyn (1966-67) Contributors Gerace Frank Contributors [Click] 195x Recent - Frank Gerace Contributors [Click] Unteachables 1957-64 Glen Ellyn, Bedford, The Knoll Contributors Gleason, Ray Contributors [Click] Venard Student Manual 1960 Contributors [Click] VenardDaze 1964-65 Contributors Giudice, Mike Contributors [Click] 1950-1954 Pictures from Brookline, Venard, Lakewood, GE Contributors Goulet Don Contributors [Click] GE and Bedford (contributed by Joe Sinico, Don's partner) Contributors Grady, John, Fr. Contributors [Click] Venard (1959-61) Contributors Grant, Dick Contributors [Click] Glen Ellyn 1961-65 Bob Meadows and Dick Grant Contributors [Click] Glen Ellyn 1961-65 John Moran and Dick Grant Contributors [Click] Glen Ellyn 1961-65 Dick Grant Contributors Griffin Daniel [Click] 1932 Venard Contributors Haag, John [Lou's brother] Contributors [Click] Lou Haag Album Contributors Hendrickson Mike [Click] Mike Hendrickson Memorial (Vietnam Vet) Contributors Haren Don [Click] 19xx Brothers Father Don Haren (Herman Family Connection) Contributors Herman Dick [Click] 1959-63 Venard 1959, Glen Ellyn 1963 Contributors Heron, George Contributors [Click] Venard Classes of 1956 and 1957 (from George Heron, John Martin & Charlie Kircher) Contributors Herzog, Lyle Contributors [Click] Mighty Ones of Maryknoll Contributors Hevelhorst, Lloyd Contributors [Click] Mighty Ones of Maryknoll Contributors [Click] Venard Chi Rho Yearbook 1964 Contributors [Click] Venard Chi Rho Yearbook 1966 Contributors [Click] Venard Chi Rho Yearbook 1967 Contributors [Click] Glen Echo - 1958 Contributors Hinnebusch, Tom Contributors [Click] GE Class 0f 1961 (Ordination 1966) Contributors [Click] Maryknoll Language School Musoma Tanzania Feb_1967 Contributors Johnson Joe Contributors [Click] 1955 GE Student Manual from Joe Johnson Contributors Kaliton, Tony Contributors [Click] Venard 1959 Contributors Kehoe Hank Contributors [Click] 1963-65 Glen Ellyn Investiture, Graduation, etc. Contributors [Click] 1990 Glen Ellyn Hank Kehoe - 1990 visit to Glen Ellyn Buildings Contributors Kelley, Richard Contributors [Click] Venard 1953-54 Contributors Killian Dan [Click] 1962-66 Glen Ellen Contributors Kiniry Richard Contributors [Click] Pictures from Richard Kiniry (1962-1967) Contributors [Click] Glen Ellyn 1962 Contributors [Click] Glen Ellyn 1963 Contributors [Click] Glen Ellyn 1967 Contributors [Click] Glen Ellyn Building Contributors [Click] Glen Ellyn Chapel Contributors [Click] Glen Ellyn Investiture-1962 Contributors [Click] Glen Ellyn Investiture-1963-11-21 Contributors [Click] Glen Ellyn Other Contributors [Click] Glen Ellyn People Contributors [Click] Glen Ellyn PlaysEtc Contributors [Click] Glen Ellyn Priests Contributors [Click] Glen Ellyn RecRoom Contributors [Click] Glen Ellyn Sports Contributors [Click] Glen Ellyn StudentRooms Contributors Kirby Bill Contributors [Click] 1960 Venard pictures (Venard class of 1961) Contributors Kircher, Charlie Contributors [Click] Venard 1950 Link to Maryknoll Magazine Pictures of the Venard Contributors [Click] Venard Classes of 1956 and 1957 (from George Heron, John Martin & Charlie Kircher) Contributors [Click] Venard 1986 trip Contributors [Click] Venard 1987 trip Contributors Kleeman Bob Contributors [Click] 1960-64 Pictures GE, Novitiate, Knoll (class of 1966) Contributors Knipe, William, Fr. (+dec) Contributors [Click] Venard Class of 1961 45th Reunion (was not at reunion) Contributors Kuhn, Roger Contributors [Click] Class Of 1960 Bedford Contributors Kus, Robert, Fr. Contributors [Click] Venard Class of 1961 Contributors [Click] Venard Class of 1961 45th Reunion Contributors [Click] Mission Priest Website and Blog Contributors LeBlanc, Dennis Contributors [Click] Mighty Ones of Maryknoll Contributors Lynch, Jerry Contributors [Click] Sculptor (GE class of 1965) (from Crews, Cheryl) Contributors Lyons, Jack Contributors [Click] Mountain View Student Manual Contributors [Click] GE Dupage issues 1963-67 (Jack Lyons) Contributors [Click] GE Who's Who 1963-64 Contributors [Click] GE Roster 1963-64 Contributors [Click] GE Who's Who 1964-65 Contributors [Click] GE Roster 1964-65 Contributors [Click] GE Who's Who 1965-66 Contributors [Click] GE Roster 1965-66 Contributors [Click] GE Who's Who 1966-67 Contributors [Click] GE Roster 1966-67 Contributors [Click] 1964 Link to film clips from Maryknoll Promotional Movies Contributors Mange, Paul Contributors [Click] Mighty Ones of Maryknoll Contributors Martin, John Contributors [Click] Venard Classes of 1956 and 1957 (from George Heron, John Martin & Charlie Kircher) Contributors Martinelli, Gary Contributors [Click] Glen Ellyn 1970-71 Contributors [Click] 1970-71 Class Pictures Glen Ellyn Contributors McClain David Contributors [Click] 2017 Venard Reunion Class of 1967 (Clarks Summit University Librarian)Class of 1967 Contributors McCormick Jim Contributors [Click] 1966 Venard Jim McCormick Venard 1966 - Venard memories you can't dream up Contributors [Click] 1966 Venard Jim McCormick Venard 1966 - Venard Visit Contributors McGowan Felix Contributors [Click] 2004 Knoll 2004 Felix McGowan Memorial Contributors [Click] Father Felix McGowan Contributors McIntyre, John Contributors [Click] (Ordination Class 55 & 56) - Lakewood opening year, etc. - 12/27-1947 - Spring 1948 Contributors Meadows, Robert Contributors [Click] Glen Ellyn 1961-65 Contributors Merrill John Contributors [Click] 1956-60 Venard Pictures 1956-60 Contributors Moody Contributors [Click] 2012 Ken Moody "Life on the Dump" Contributors [Click] 2017 Ken Moody "Life on the Dump" (Update) Contributors Moran John and Grant Dick [Click] 1963-65 Glen Ellyn 1963-65 - Investiture, graduation Contributors Mulhern, Michael Contributors [Click] Venard "A Year in the Life of a freshman" 1960-61 (from Mike Mulhearn) Contributors [Click] Venard Courier Vol II 1960-61 (from Mo Calouro, Glen Deutsch, Mike Mulhern) Contributors [Click] Venard Courier Vol III 1961-62 (from Mike Mulhern) Contributors [Click] Venard Courier IV 1962-63 (from Mike Mulhern) Contributors [Click] Venard Courier V 1963-64 (from Mike Mulhern) Contributors [Click] Maryknoll Magazine Article about the Venard Sept 1964 (from Michael Mulhern) Contributors [Click] Venard Nucleus Science Club Editions 1961-62 (from Mike Mulhern) Contributors [Click] Chesterfield Tower editions Vol I Contributors [Click] Chesterfield Tower editions Vol III Contributors [Click] Mulhern_Oscar-Best Mike reunion Contributors O'Brien, John Contributors [Click] Glen Ellyn - 1949-50 Contributors O'Brien, Mike Contributors [Click] GE, Hingham, and Reunions Contributors O'Connor, John Contributors [Click] 1965-9-x-soccer Contributors [Click] 1965-9-x-StaffLiteraryMag Contributors [Click] 1965-x-CrossCountry Contributors [Click] 1966-Orphans Contributors [Click] 1967-BookSale Contributors [Click] 1967-play-SleepOfPrisoners Contributors [Click] 1967-x-fieldDay Contributors [Click] 1968-x-Hingham Contributors [Click] handball Contributors [Click] Glen Ellyn Pictures 1965-66 Contributors [Click] Glen Ellyn Handbook 1965-66 Contributors [Click] Glen Ellyn Glen Echo Poems Autumn 1966 Contributors [Click] Glen Ellyn - Who's Who - 1966-67 Contributors [Click] Mighty Ones of Maryknoll Contributors [Click] 1990s GE in the 90s Contributors [Click] 1966 GE Investiture 1966 Contributors Newpower, Paul Contributors [Click] South American Pilgrimage Contributors Obrist, Lawrence Contributors [Click] Glen Ellyn - Demolition Done!! Contributors [Click] 2019 Glen Ellyn Contributors O'Neil, Robert Contributors [Click] 1950's-1960's Venard Class Pictures Contributors Osborne, Dick (Ozzie) Contributors [Click] Osborne Tribute Contributors Pavsek, Dan Contributors [Click] Mighty Ones of Maryknoll Contributors Parvin, Dave Contributors [Click] Mountain View 1960-61 Contributors Pettorsson Colin 2020-08-31 Contributors [Click] Venard pictures August 23, 2020 Contributors Piesel Rich Contributors [Click] 2010 and early Venard 2010 and early Contributors Pufall Mike Contributors [Click] Recent - Mike Pufall Contributors Quigley Tom [Click] Pictures Contributors Raiche, Paul Contributors [Click] Venard Class of 1961 45th Reunion Contributors Reilly Phil Contributors [Click] Recent Pictures Phil Reilly Contributors [Click] 1945 and 1955 Phil Reilly letters home Contributors Riley, Ken Contributors [Click] Venard 1954-55 Contributors [Click] Glen Ellyn - 1956-58 Contributors [Click] Bedford Mass Novitiate 1960 (From Ken Riley) Contributors [Click] Bedford Mass Novitiate 1960 set 2 (From Ken Riley) Contributors [Click] Knoll 1961 Contributors Rogers David, Social Media Strategist | Logan University Contributors [Click] Chesterfield Minor Seminary in 2013-14 - Logan University today Contributors Rosner Mike Contributors [Click] 1967 1967 Glen Ellyn Mike Rosner Contributors Salamone (Deacon Victor A) Contributors [Click] Glen Ellyn 1964-67, 1989 Contributors Savage, Hal Contributors [Click] Glen Ellyn 1977-78 (former student of Lewis College) Contributor Schneider Father Dan Contributors [Click] Memorial to Father Dan Schneider (A Postscript from Father Dan) Contributors [Click] 19xx Priests Father Dan Schneider Memorial Contributors [Click] 2009 Priests Memorial to Father Dan Schneider (Video) Contributors Scinto, Joe Contributors [Click] Mighty Ones of Maryknoll Contributors Sinico Joe Contributors [Click] Pictures taken by Don Goulet, Joe's partner - GE and Bedford Contributors Smith, Barbara Contributors [Click] Memoir of Fr Everett Francis Briggs Contributors Sollohub Jay Contributors [Click] Added GE pictures to his page Contributors [Click] Venard/GE/Reunion Contributors Stang David [Click] 20xx Knoll - ordination class of 1964 (and comments) Contributors Stefanek Bernard [Click] 1963-64 Glen Ellyn Cro-nesters Contributors Stenrud, Roland Contributors [Click] Glen Ellyn - 1958-63 Contributors Stewart, Ron Contributors [Click] 1959-63 Venard Contributors [Click] Venard Memories Venard Class of 1963 50TH Reunion (pdf file and reunion pictures) Contributors Sztaba Stan Contributors [Click] 1963-69 GE, Hingham, Knoll Contributors Terry, Mike Contributors [Click] Chesterfield Limina Yearbook 1963 Contributors Thesing Ken [Click] 1993 Knoll ~1993 Who are we? Contributors Thur, Jim Contributors [Click] 1958-60 Glen Ellyn Pictures 1958-60 Contributors [Click] GE Class 0f 1961 (Ordination 1966) Contributors Voith, Laura Contributors [Click] Venard Class of 1961 45th Reunion Contributors Voith, Ray Contributors [Click] Venard 1959-61 Contributors [Click] Venard Chi Rho Yearbook 1960 (from Ray Voith) Contributors [Click] Venard Chi Rho Yearbook 1961 (from Ray Voith) Contributors [Click] Glen Ellyn 1961-64 (includes Construction) Contributors [Click] Venard 1999 trip Contributors [Click] Knoll - Croton dam near the Knoll Contributors [Click] Knoll - Maryknoll NY taken July, 1999 Contributors [Click] Venard Class of 1961 45th Reunion Contributors Weylan Nick Contributors [Click] 2009 Recent - 2009 Nick Weylan Contributors Wicks Ray Contributors [Click] GE 1958-62 Contributors Wilson Robert Contributors [Click] 1959 Ordination class Contributors Wolfmeyer [Click] 1956 Venard Venard Graduation dinner class of 1956 Contributors Wolken, Louis, Fr. Contributors [Click] Venard 1947-1964 Contributors [Click] Venard Class of 1961 45th Reunion Contributors Wunderle, Tom Contributors [Click] 1963 Venard Chi-Rho Yearbook Current [Click] Recent items[Click] To Index Top
------DDDDDDD------ Dates 1918-1958 [Click] Adams Tom - Venard-Dunwoodie (1918-1958) Dates 1920-1929 [Click] Maryknoll at Ten (a Short History of the American Seminary for Foreign Missions) Dates 1921 [Click] Venard History 1921 Dates 1920-30s [Click] Venard Dates 1920-30s [Click] Fr Everett Francis Briggs Memoir Dates 1932 [Click] Venard student Daniel Griffin (Photos and letter) Dates 1938, 1948, 1958, 1973 Dates [Click] Adams Tom - Jubilee 1998 - Ordination Classes of 1938, 1948, 1958, 1973 Dates 1940-1949 Dates 1945-47 [Click] Brookline Ma (Minor Seminary) Dates 1945-47 [Click] Minor Seminary at Brookline, Burke John Dates 1946-47 [Click] Adams Tom - Akron Catalogue 1946-47 Dates 1946-47 [Click] Adams Tom - Early Recruitment Letters - 1946 Dates 1946-5x [Click] Akron, Venard, GE, Novitiate, Knoll Tom Adams Dates 1947-50 [Click] Knoll Quadrangle (2011 at 100th anniversary celebration) Dates 1947-1964 [Click] Venard Dates 1947-50 [Click] Burke John Maryknoll College, Lakewood NJ Dates 1947-50 [Click] Lakewood (Maryknoll College) Lakewood NJ Dates 1947-56 [Click] John McIntyre (Ordination Class 55 & 56) - Lakewood opening year, etc. - 12/27-1947 - Spring 1948 Dates 1948-49 [Click] Venard Ron Byrnes Dates 1949 [Click] Adams Tom, Venard - 1949-MemorialDay-FieldTrack Dates 1949-50 [Click] Glen Ellyn Dates 1949 [Click] Tom Adams - Glen Ellyn Very Early Building Dates 1949-1953 [Click] Adams Tom - Glen Ellyn (14 Glen Echo Issues - 1949-1953) Dates 1949-1953 [Click] Adams Tom Glen Echo 1949-1953 Dates 1949-1954 [Click] Pictures from John Crowley (Brookline, Venard, Lakewood, GE, Bedford) Dates 1950-1959 Dates 195x [Click] Tom Adams - Why I Became A Missioner Dates 195x [Click] Tom Adams - You Can Change The World Dates 195x [Click] Tom Adams - Studying-Reading in Latin Dates 195x [Click] Tom Adams - Venard - Classicum - 3 Issues Dates 195x [Click] Tom Adams - Venard - Play - Brother Orchid Dates 195x [Click] Tom Adams - Venard grades Dates 195x [Click] Tom Adams - Venarder - 3 Issues Dates 1950 [Click] Venard Link to Maryknoll Magazine Pictures of the Venard Dates 1950 [Click] Adams Tom - Glen Ellyn Address Book 1950 Dates 1950 - June 25 [Click] Adams Tom - Glen Ellyn Dedication - June 25, 1950 Dates 1950-1951 [Click] Glen Ellyn (from John Burke) Dates 1950-1951 [Click] Adams Tom - Glen Ellyn Catalogue-1950-1951 Dates 1950-1951 [Click] More pictures of the Brookline Seminary Dates 1950-1954 [Click] Pictures from Mike Giudice (Brookline, Venard, Lakewood, GE) Dates 1950-1960 [Click] Class Pictures Venard Robert O'Neil Dates 1950s-60s [Click] Venard Venard Music Room Venard Music Room (Youtube songs of 50s-60s) Dates 1952 Jan 17 [Click] Adams Tom, Glen Ellyn in Chicago Tribune Jan 17, 1952 Dates 1952 Oct [Click] Adams Tom - Glen Ellyn Directory-Oct-1952 Dates 1952-1953 [Click] Adams Tom - Glen Ellyn Catalogue-1952-53 Dates 1953 [Click] Tom Adams - Glen Ellyn Plays Dates 1953, June 7 [Click] Adams Tom - Glen Ellyn Dupage June 7, 1953 Dates 1953-05-11 [Click] Adams Tom - Glen Ellyn - GE-1953-05-11-Track&Field Dates 1953 [Click] Maryknoll Particular Rule Dates 1953 [Click] Novitiate Bedford Dates 1953 [Click] Play Bills Venard Dates 1953 [Click] Venard Classicum Editions(from Dick Baisley) Dates 1953-54 [Click] Venard (from Dick Baisley) Dates 1953-54 [Click] Venard (from Richard Kelly) Dates 1953-54 [Click] Venard Catalogue Dates 1953-55 [Click] Venard Rules (from Dick Baisley) Dates 1953-56 [Click] Venard Pictures and rosters (John DeFrank) Dates 1953-57 [Click] Venard Dates 1953-7 [Click] Priests at Venard (from Dick Baisley) Dates 1953~ [Click] Glen Ellyn (from Ron Byrnes) Dates 1953 [Click] Tom Adams - Glen Ellyn - Starved Rock State Park Dates 1954 [Click] Venarder Christmas Dates 1954 [Click] Venarder March Dates 1954 [Click] Venarder June Dates 1954-55 [Click] Venard (from Ken Riley) Dates 1955 [Click] Venard United Party Election Bill Dates 1955 [Click] Venard Field Day (from Dick Baisley) Dates 1955 [Click] Venarder Easter Dates 1955 [Click] Venarder May June Dates 1955 [Click] Pictures from Glen Ellyn and Bedford (Good Old Days at Maryknoll) Dates 1955 [Click] Joe-Johnson GE Student Manual from Joe Johnson Dates 1955-56 [Click] Venard Catalogue Dates 1956 [Click] Venard Graduation dinner class of 1956 Dates 1956 [Click] Venard Diary of Maryknoll Missioners in 50's (These were read in the refectory at dinnertime by seminarians) Dates 1956-57 [Click] Venard Classes of 1956 and 1957 (from George Heron, John Martin & Charlie Kircher) Dates 1956-58 [Click] Venard (from Ken Riley) Dates 1956-60 [Click] John-Merrill Venard Pictures 1956-60 Dates 1957 [Click] Knoll Seminarians Voices of Maryknoll 1957 Dates 1957 [Click] Venard Freshman class picture (Venard Class of 1961) (from Mike Dillon and Glen Deutsch) Dates 1957 [Click] Venard Class of 1957 (from Dick Baisley) Dates 1957-64 [Click] Unteachables at Glen Ellyn, Bedford, The Knoll Dates 195x [Click] site??? Gerace Frank Recent - Frank Gerace Dates 1958-62 [Click] Pictures from Don Goulet GE and Bedford (contributed by Joe Sinico, Don's partner) Dates 1958 [Click] Glen Echo (from George Heron) Dates 1958 [Click] Adams Tom - Ordination - Class of 1958 Dates 1958 [Click] 1958 Memoir from St Joseph's (Mt View) Dates 1958-59 [Click] Venard Dates 1958-60 [Click] September 1958 - July 1960 (Old Slides) Dates 1958-60 [Click] September 1958 - July 1960 Dates 1958-60 [Click] Jim-Thur Glen Ellyn Pictures 1958-60 Dates 1958-62 [Click] Glen Ellyn (from Ray Wicks) Dates 1958-63 [Click] Glen Ellyn (from Roland Stenrud) Dates 1958-9 [Click] Venard Gerry Eichstaedt class roster Dates 1959 [Click] Venard Tony Kaliton Dates 1959 [Click] Pictures from Robert Wilson (Ordination class of 1959) Dates 1959 [Click] Venard April (Glen Deutsch) Dates 1959 [Click] Venard Chi Rho Yearbook (Glen Deutsch) Dates 1959 [Click] Venard Promotion brochure (Glen Deutsch) Dates 1959 [Click] Glen Ellyn (from Bob Chaney) Dates 1959 [Click] Glen Ellyn Seminarians Singing The Mass 1959 Dates 1959-60 [Click] Venard class rosters from 1959-60 (Eichstaedt) Dates 1959-61 [Click] Venard Fr. John Grady(1959-61) Dates 1959-61 [Click] Venard Ray Voith Dates 1959-62 [Click] Chesterfield Construction Dates 1959-63 [Click] Venard Ron Stewart Dates 1959-63 [Click] Dick Herman (Venard 1959, Glen Ellyn 1963...) Dates 1960-1969 Dates 1960 [Click] Glen Ellyn May - Starved Rock State Park Dates 1960 [Click] Bedford Ma. Novitiate (From Ken Riley) Dates 1960 [Click] Bedford Ma. Novitiate set 2 (From Ken Riley) Dates 1960 [Click] Venard Student Manual - from Ray Gleason Dates 1960 [Click] Venard Chi Rho Yearbook (from Ray Voith) Dates 1960 [Click] Play - Sound of Hunting from John [Leonard] Cieslinski Dates 1960-12 [Click] Venarder Dates 1960 [Click] Class Of 1960 Bedford (from Roger Kuhn) Dates 1960 [Click] Venard pictures from Bill Kirby (Venard class of 1961) Dates 1960-61 [Click] Bedford Ma. Novitiate (From Bob Chaney) Dates 1960-61 [Click] Bedford Ma. Old Stills (From Bob Chaney) Dates 1960-61 [Click] Venard "A Year in the Life of a freshman" (from Mike Mulhearn) Dates 1960-61 [Click] Venard Don Bisdorf Dates 1960-61 [Click] Venard Courier Vol II (from Mo Calouro, Glen Deutsch, Mike Mulhern) Dates 1960-61 [Click] Dave Parvin 1960-61 Mountain View Dates 1960-61 [Click] Venard Venard Courier New editions of 1960-1961 Courier Dates 1960-64 [Click] Bob-Kleeman Pictures GE, Novitiate, Knoll (class of 1966) Dates 1961 [Click] Knoll (Ken Riley) Dates 1961 [Click] Venard Chi Rho Yearbook (from Ray Voith) Dates 1961 [Click] Venard (Fr. Robert Kus) Dates 1961-06 [Click] Venarder (Cieslinski ) Dates 1961-12 [Click] Venarder (Cieslinski ) Dates 1961 [Click] Play - Career Angel from John [Leonard] Cieslinski Dates 1961 [Click] Two Plays - from John [Leonard] Cieslinski Dates 1961 [Click] December Venard Diary from John [Leonard] Cieslinski Dates 1962-96 [Click] Mike O'Brien GE, Hingham, and Reunions Dates 1962-06 [Click] Venarder (Cieslinski ) Dates 1962 [Click] Pictures from John [Leonard] Cieslinski Dates 1961 [Click] Glen Ellyn Class of 1961 (ordination 1966) Dates 1961-62 [Click] Glen Ellyn Who's Who Freshmen I) Dates 1961-62 [Click] Glen Ellyn Who's Who Freshmen II) Dates 1961-62 [Click] Glen Ellyn Who's Who Juniors3, Sophmores 1) Dates 1961-62 [Click] Glen Ellyn Who's Who Sophmores2, Freshmen1) Dates 1961-62 [Click] Glen Ellyn Who's Who Juniors2) Dates 1961-62 [Click] Glen Ellyn Who's Who Seniors, Juniors1) Dates 1961-62 [Click] Chesterfield Tower editions Vol I (from Mike Mulhern) Dates 1961-62 [Click] Venard Courier Vol III (from Mike Mulhern) Dates 1961-62 [Click] Venard Nucleus Science Club Editions (from Mike Mulhern) Dates 1961-63 [Click] Bill Batkay Memoirs and Pictures of Glen Ellyn Dates 1961-64 [Click] Glen Ellyn (includes Construction) (from Ray Voith) Dates 1961-65 [Click] Glen Ellyn (from Bob Meadows and Dick Grant) Dates 1961-65 [Click] Glen Ellyn (from Dick Grant) Dates 1961-65 [Click] Glen Ellyn (from John Moran and Dick Grant) Dates 1961-65 [Click] Glen Ellyn (from Chris Bradley) Dates 1961-5 [Click] Glen Ellyn, etc. Lou Haag Album from John Haag [Lou's brother] Dates 1962 [Click] Adams Tom - Maryknoll Magazine November 1962 Dates 1962-67 [Click] Glen Ellyn Pictures from Richard Kiniry Dates 196x [Click] Venard Sollohub Jay Jay Sollohub - Added GE pictures to his page Dates 196x [Click] Venard Jay Sollohub - Venard/GE/Reunion Dates 196x [Click] Terry Cedar Maryknoll Class of 1967 Dates 1962-63 [Click] Glen Ellyn Who's Who - 1962-63 Seniors, Juniors, Sophmores 1) Dates 1962-63 [Click] Glen Ellyn Who's Who - 1962-63 Sophmores 2, Freshmen) Dates 1962-63 [Click] Venard Courier IV (from Mike Mulhern) Dates 1962-66 [Click] Pictures (from John [Leonard] Cieslinski) Dates 1962-66 [Click] Play - Man for all Seasons (from John [Leonard] Cieslinski) Dates 1962-66 [Click] Play - Gideon (from John [Leonard] Cieslinski) Dates 1962-66 [Click] Movie - Hope of the Harvest(from John [Leonard] Cieslinski) Dates 1962-66 [Click] Glen Ellen Pictures from Dan Killian Dates 1962-63 [Click] Mountain View Student Manual - (Jack Lyons) Dates 1963 [Click] Remembrances of the JFK Assasination Dates 1963 [Click] 1963 Venard Chi-Rho Yearbook (from Thomas Wunderle) Dates 1963-67 [Click] GE Dupage issues (Jack Lyons) Dates 1963-64 [Click] Bernard Stefanek Glen Ellyn 1963-64 Cro-nesters Dates 1963-64 [Click] Glen Ellyn from Stan Sztaba Dates 1963-64 [Click] Glen Ellyn Who's Who - (Jack Lyons) Dates 1963-64 [Click] GE Roster (Jack Lyons) Dates 1963 [Click] Chesterfield Limina Yearbook (from Mike Terry) Dates 1963-64 [Click] Chesterfield Tower editions Vol III (from Mike Mulhern) Dates 1963-64 [Click] Venard Courier V 1963-64 (from Mike Mulhern) Dates 1963-65 [Click] Hank Kehoe - Glen Ellyn - 1963-65 Investiture, Graduation, etc. Dates 1963-69 [Click] Stan Sztaba ~350 Pictures of GE, Hingham, Knoll Dates 1964 [Click] Horace-Busch Chesterfield Limina Yearbook from Horace Busch Dates 1964 [Click] Venard Maryknoll Magazine Article Venard (from Michael Mulhern) Dates 1964 [Click] Venard Chi Rho Yearbook (from LLoyd Hevelhorst) Dates 1964-65 [Click] Gleason, Ray (VenardDaze) Dates 1964-65 [Click] Glen Ellyn Who's Who - (Jack Lyons) Dates 1964-65 [Click] GE Roster (Jack Lyons) Dates 1964 [Click] Knoll Stang David David Stang - ordination class of 1964 (and comments) Dates 1964 [Click] Film clips from Maryknoll Promotional Movies (from Jack Lyons) Dates 1964-66 [Click] Glen Ellyn Basketball and Soccer team Dates 1964-66 [Click] Glen Ellyn (from Tom Ehrhorn) Dates 1964-66 [Click] Pictures from Dave Burkhardt (Venard, GE) Dates 1964-67 [Click] Deacon Victor A Salamone - Glen Ellyn 1964-67, 1989 Dates 1964-68 [Click] Mighty Ones of Maryknoll (Pictures from Facebook) Dates 1964-68 [Click] Glen Ellyn Angelo Arrando Dates 1964-68 [Click] Glen Ellyn Dennis LeBlanc Dates 1964-68 [Click] Glen Ellyn Foster Braun Dates 1964-68 [Click] Glen Ellyn George Fry Dates 1965 [Click] John_O_Connor CrossCountry Dates 1965? [Click] John_O_Connor StaffLiteraryMag Dates 1965? [Click] John_O_Connor Dates 1965? [Click] John_O_Connor handball Dates 1966 [Click] John_O_Connor Orphans Dates 1967 [Click] Glen Ellyn Maryknoll Magazine excerpts Dates 1967? [Click] John_O_Connor BookSale Dates 1967? [Click] John_O_Connor play-SleepOfPrisoners Dates 1967? [Click] John_O_Connor fieldDay Dates 1968? [Click] John_O_Connor Hingham Dates 1964-68 [Click] Glen Ellyn John O'Connor Dates 1964-68 [Click] Glen Ellyn Lyle Herzog Dates 1965 [Click] Birzer, Norm 3 albums Hingham, Knoll Dates 1965 [Click] Ordination Class of 65 pictures (Venard, GE) Dates 1965 [Click] Lynch, Jerry Sculptor (GE class of 1965) (from Chris Bradley and Cheryl Crews) Dates 1965-66 [Click] Glen Ellyn Who's Who - (Jack Lyons) Dates 1965-66 [Click] GE Roster (Jack Lyons) Dates 1965-66 [Click] Glen Ellyn Pictures (from John O'Connor) Dates 1965-66 [Click] Glen Ellyn Handbook(from John O'Connor) Dates 1965-67 [Click] Glen Ellyn Bob Fox Dates 1965-67 [Click] Knoll Fahey Joe Fahey Joe & classmates Dates 1966 [Click] Venard Chi Rho Yearbook (from LLoyd Hevelhorst) Dates 1966 [Click] Hingham Novitate 1966 from Chris Bradley Dates 1966 [Click] Glen Ellyn Glen Echo Poems Autumn(from John O'Connor) Dates 1966 [Click] Ordination Cards - Class of 1966 (from Dick Baisley) Dates 1966 [Click] John-OConnor GE Investiture 1966 Dates 1966 [Click] 1966 Purpose of Maryknoll Dates 1966-67 [Click] Movies of Glen Ellyn (George Fry) Dates 1966-67 [Click] Glen Ellyn Who's Who (John O'Connor and Jack Lyons) Dates 1966-67 [Click] GE Roster (Jack Lyons) Dates 1967 [Click] Glen Ellyn Spring Music Festival 1967 Dates 1967 [Click] Mike-Rosner 1967 Glen Ellyn Mike Rosner Dates 1967 [Click] Venard Chi Rho Yearbook Dates 1967 [Click] Maryknoll Language School Musoma Tanzania (Feb) Tom Hinnebusch Dates 1966 [Click] Class of 66 Reunion Dates 1967-2017 [Click] Venard Closing ReunionDates Dates 1967 [Click] Glen Ellyn Maryknoll Magazine excerpts Dates 1970-1979 Dates 1970 [Click] Glen Ellyn Tom Dziedzic Dates 1970 [Click] Ordination Class of 1970 from Chris Bradley Dates 1970 [Click] Glen Ellyn (Tom Dziedzic) (April) Dates 1970 [Click] Glen Ellyn (Tom Dziedzic) (May) Dates 1970 [Click] Glen Ellyn (Tom Dziedzic) (August) Dates 1971 [Click] Bill Allen Cochabamba Dates 1970-71 [Click] Glen Ellyn (Gary Martinelli) Dates 1970-71 [Click] 1970-71 Class Pictures Glen Ellyn (Gary Martinelli) Dates 1977-78 [Click] Glen Ellyn (Hal Savage - former student of Lewis College) Dates 197x-yy [Click] Glen Ellyn Pictures from Don Covert Dates 1980-1989 Dates 1981-1985 [Click] Adams Tom - Interchange/ChiRho/Tunc et Nunc/Diaspora issues 1981-1985 Dates 1986 [Click] Venard 1986 trip Dates 1987 [Click] Venard 1987 trip Dates 1990-1999 Dates 1990 [Click] Glen Ellyn Hank Kehoe - 1990 visit to Glen Ellyn Buildings Dates 1993 [Click] Knoll Ken Thesing ~1993 Who are we? (Ken Thesing) Dates 1990s [Click] John-OConnor GE in the 90s Dates 1995 [Click] Jubilee 1995 Ordination Class of 1970 from Chris Bradley Dates 1998 [Click] Adams Tom - Ordination Class of 1958, 40th Reunion, 1998 Dates 1999 [Click] Knoll - Croton dam near the Knoll Dates 1999 [Click] Knoll - Maryknoll NY taken July, 1999 Dates 1999 [Click] Venard 1999 trip (Ray Voith) Dates 1999 [Click] Baptist Bible College (formerly Venard) Dates 2000-2009 Dates 2000~ [Click] Glen Ellyn (Before demolition) (from Bob Doyle) Dates 2000 [Click] Glen Ellyn April (Before demolition) (from Bob Doyle) Dates 2000 [Click] Glen Ellyn (Demolition) (from Bob Doyle) Dates 2000~ [Click] Glen Ellyn (Abandoned 1) Dates 2000~ [Click] Glen Ellyn (Abandoned 2) Dates 2000~ [Click] Recent (Bill Federle) Dates 2000 [Click] GE demolition Dates 2001 [Click] Glen Ellyn - Demolition Done (from Larry Obrist) Dates 2002~ [Click] Mountain View (Los Altos) (has external links) Dates 2004 [Click] 2004 Reunion GE Class of 1964 40TH Reunion Dates 2004 [Click] Knoll 2004 Felix McGowan Memorial Dates 2005 [Click] Glen Ellyn February 09, 2005 Observations of an Abandoned Seminary (Haunted?) Dates 2005 [Click] Venard Class of 1961 45TH Reunion Dates 2006? [Click] Knoll - Maryknoll Library Dates 2008~ [Click] Mountain View (Los Altos) (has external links) Dates 2008-05 [Click] Venard/GE Chat (Calouro, Kehoe, Meadows, Voith Dates 2009 [Click] Memorial to Father Dan Schneider (Saying Goodbye) Dates 2009 [Click] Memorial to Father Dan Schneider (Postscript from Father Dan) Dates 2009 [Click] Memorial to Father Dan Schneider (Video) Dates 2009 [Click] Newpower, Paul - South American Pilgrimage Dates 2009 [Click] Glen Ellyn Class of 1969 40th Reunion 2009 Dates 2009? [Click] Knoll 2009? Dates 2009 [Click] Nick-Weylan Recent - 2009 Nick Weylan Dates 2010 and early [Click] Rich-Piesel Venard 2010 and early Dates 2010 [Click] Venard Aerial Satellite Photos Dates 2010 [Click] GE Aerial Satellite Photos Dates 2010 [Click] Knoll Aerial Satellite Photos Dates 2010 [Click] Lynch, Jerry Sculptor (GE class of 1965) (from Chris Bradley and Cheryl Crews) Dates 2010 [Click] Reunion Ordination Class of 1970 (Chris Bradley) Dates 2010 [Click] Dave Burkhardt Trip to Venard Dates 2010 [Click] Residents at the Knoll Dates 2012 [Click] Venezuela/Bolivia? Moody Ken Life on the Dump Dates 2013 [Click] Knoll Maryknoll Future/History The Future of Maryknoll Dates 2013 [Click] Foster Braun Chesterfield Dates 2013 [Click] Bradley, Chris Reunion at the Rim - Band of Brothers (GE Class of 1965) Dates 2013 [Click] Ron Stewart, Joe Kantorski Venard Memories Venard Class of 1963 50TH Reunion (pdf file and reunion pictures) Dates 2013 [Click] Chesterfield Minor Seminary - Logan University today Dates 2014 [Click] Aerial view of Venard from a drone Dates 2014 [Click] movie clip about Maryknoll (shot at Knoll 2014) Dates 2014 [Click] Osborne Tribute Dates 2015 [Click] movie clip 2015 Reunion Venard Class of 1965 50TH Reunion Dates 2015 [Click] 2015 Reunion Venard Class of 1965 50TH Reunion Dates 2016 [Click] planned reunion of chesterfield class of 1966 Dates 2016 [Click] NOTICE: 50th Reunion Glen Ellyn Class of 1966 (for all in 1971 ordination class) Dates 2016 [Click] Venard/GE Chat about leaving the seminary Dates 2017 [Click] Venezuela/Bolivia? Moody Ken Ken Moody - 2012 Life on the Dump Dates 2017 [Click] Armed Forces Hendrickson Mike Memorial - 2017 Memorial Day Dates 2017 [Click] Venard Closing Reunion Dates 2018 [Click] Adams Tom - 2018 Jubilee Brochure Dates 2018 [Click] 2018 Jubilee (48 in 58) Dates 2019 [Click] Glen Ellyn (Larry Obrist) Dates 2020-08 [Click] Venard pictures Colin Pettorsson[Click] To Index Top
------EEEEEEE------ (no entries)[Click] To Index Top
------FFFFFFF------ Favorite Pictures [Click][Click] To Index Top
------GGGGGGG------ Gaudeamus Igitur [Click]
Glen Ellyn (College Seminary)
Glen Ellyn Glen Ellyn [Click] Class Pictures (Who's Who) Glen Ellyn Glen Ellyn Building/Construction Glen Ellyn [Click] Glen Ellyn Building Glen Ellyn Glen Ellyn Construction 1961-64 Glen Ellyn [Click] 1961-64 (includes Construction) (from Ray Voith - email link on top page) Glen Ellyn Glen Ellyn Demolition Glen Ellyn [Click] 1999~ (Abandoned 1) Glen Ellyn [Click] 1998~ (Abandoned 2) Glen Ellyn [Click] 2000 April (Before demolition) (from Bob Doyle) Glen Ellyn [Click] 1999~ (Before demolition) (from Bob Doyle) Glen Ellyn [Click] 2000 GE demolition Glen Ellyn [Click] 2001 (GE - Demolition Done!!) (from Larry Obrist) Glen Ellyn [Click] 2000 (Demolition) (from Bob Doyle) Glen Ellyn [Click] 20xx Glen Ellyn Tour of deserted Glen Ellyn Glen Ellyn [Click] 2005 February 9 - Observations of an Abandoned Seminary (Haunted?) Glen Ellyn Glen Ellyn [Click] Name the Profs EXTRA CREDIT Glen Ellyn Glen Ellyn Manuals/Catalogs Glen Ellyn [Click] 1950 Adams Tom - Address Book 1950 Glen Ellyn [Click] 1950-1951 Adams Tom - Catalogue-1950-1951 Glen Ellyn [Click] 1952-1953 Adams Tom - Catalogue-1952-53 Glen Ellyn [Click] 1952 Oct Adams Tom - Directory-Oct-1952 Glen Ellyn [Click] 1955 Joe-Johnson GE Student Manual from Joe Johnson Glen Ellyn Glen Ellyn Pictures Glen Ellyn 1949-50 [Click] (from John O'Brien) Glen Ellyn 1950 [Click] 1950 - June 25 Adams Tom - Glen Ellyn Dedication - June 25, 1950 Glen Ellyn 1950 [Click] 1950~ Adams Tom - Seminary Days (Akron, Venard, GE, Novitiate, Knoll) Glen Ellyn 1950 [Click] 1950~ Adams Tom - Seminary Days (Akron, Venard, GE, Novitiate, Knoll) Glen Ellyn 1950 [Click] 1950~ Adams Tom - Glen Ellyn Very Early Building Glen Ellyn 1950-51 [Click] (from John Burke) Glen Ellyn 1952 Jan 17 [Click] Adams Tom - Glen Ellyn in Chicago Tribune Jan 17, 1952 Glen Ellyn 1952-53 [Click] from John Crowley (Brookline, Venard, Lakewood, GE, Bedford) Glen Ellyn 1953~ [Click] (from Ron Byrnes) Glen Ellyn 1953-05-11 [Click] Adams Tom - Track&Field Glen Ellyn 1953-54 [Click] Pictures from Mike Giudice Glen Ellyn 1953-54 [Click] from Mike Giudice Glen Ellyn 1955 [Click] Pictures from 1955 Glen Ellyn and Bedford (Good Old Days at Maryknoll) Glen Ellyn 1956-58 [Click] (from Ken Riley) Glen Ellyn 1957-64 [Click] Unteachables at Glen Ellyn, Bedford, The Knoll Glen Ellyn 1958-60 [Click] 1958-60 Jim-Thur Glen Ellyn Pictures Glen Ellyn 1958-60 [Click] (GE Old Slides) (from Bob Chaney) Glen Ellyn 1958-60 [Click] (GE from Bob Chaney) Glen Ellyn 1958-62 [Click] (from Ray Wicks) Glen Ellyn 1958-62 [Click] (from Don Goulet) GE and Bedford (contributed by Joe Sinico, Don's partner) Glen Ellyn 1958-62 [Click] Don-Chenicek Some new Pictures from Don Chenicek (GE, Bedford, Knoll) Glen Ellyn 1958-62 [Click] Don-Chenicek Pictures from Don Chenicek (GE, Bedford, Knoll) Glen Ellyn 1958-63 [Click] (from Roland Stenrud) Glen Ellyn 1959 [Click] Glen Ellyn Seminarians Singing The Mass 1959 Glen Ellyn 1959- [Click] (from Bob Chaney) Glen Ellyn 1960 [Click] Starved Rock State Park (May) Glen Ellyn 1960-64 [Click] Bob-Kleeman Pictures GE, Novitiate, Knoll (class of 1966) Glen Ellyn 1961 [Click] Tom Hinnebusch, Jim Thur (ordination 1966) Glen Ellyn 1961-63 [Click] Bill Batkay Memoirs and Pictures Glen Ellyn 1961-65 [Click] (from Bob Meadows and Dick Grant) Glen Ellyn 1961-65 [Click] (from John Moran and Dick Grant) Glen Ellyn 1961-65 [Click] (from Dick Grant) Glen Ellyn 1961-65 [Click] (from Chris Bradley) Glen Ellyn 1961-5 [Click] Lou Haag Album from John Haag [Lou's brother] Glen Ellyn 1962-66 [Click] Pictures from Dan Killian Glen Ellyn 1962-66 [Click] Mike O'Brien Glen Ellyn 196x [Click] Jay Sollohub Glen Ellyn 1963 [Click] Dick Herman (Venard 1959, Glen Ellyn 1963...) Glen Ellyn 1963-69 [Click] Stan Sztaba ~350 Pictures (1963-69) Glen Ellyn 1963-64 [Click] from Stan Sztaba Glen Ellyn 1963-64 [Click] Bernard Stefanek Cro-nesters Glen Ellyn 1963-1965 [Click] Hank Kehoe - 1963-65 Investiture, Graduation, etc. Glen Ellyn 1964 [Click] Film clips from Maryknoll Promotional Movies (from Jack Lyons) Glen Ellyn 1964-66 [Click] (from Tom Ehrhorn) Glen Ellyn 1964-66 [Click] Basketball and Soccer team 1964-6 (from Dudley Conneely) Glen Ellyn 1964-67 [Click] Deacon Victor A Salamone - Glen Ellyn 1964-67, 1989 Glen Ellyn 1964-68 [Click] Mighty Ones of Maryknoll (Pictures from Facebook) Glen Ellyn 1964-68 [Click] George Fry (Mighty Ones of Maryknoll) Glen Ellyn 1964-68 [Click] John O'Connor (Mighty Ones of Maryknoll) Glen Ellyn 1964-68 [Click] Lyle Herzog (Mighty Ones of Maryknoll) Glen Ellyn 1964-68 [Click] 1964-68 Angelo Arrando (Mighty Ones of Maryknoll) Glen Ellyn 1964-68 [Click] 1964-68 Dennis LeBlanc (Mighty Ones of Maryknoll) Glen Ellyn 1964-68 [Click] 1964-68 Foster Braun (Mighty Ones of Maryknoll) Glen Ellyn 1965 [Click] Lynch, Jerry Sculptor (GE class of 1965) (from Chris Bradley and Cheryl Crews) Glen Ellyn 1965-66 [Click] (from John O'Connor) Glen Ellyn 1965-67 [Click] Bob-Fox Pictures Glen Ellyn 1966 [Click] from Dave Burkhardt Glen Ellyn 1966 [Click] Joe-Buko GE Pictures from Joe Buko Glen Ellyn 1966 [Click] John-OConnor GE Investiture Glen Ellyn 1966-67 [Click] Movies of Glen Ellyn From George Fry Glen Ellyn 1966-70 [Click] Richard Dietz Glen Ellyn 1967 [Click] Glen Ellyn Spring Music Festival Glen Ellyn 1967 [Click] Mike-Rosner Glen Ellyn 1970 [Click] Ordination Class of 1970 (from Chris Bradley) Glen Ellyn 1970 [Click] Gary Martinelli Glen Ellyn 1970 [Click] 1970 Class Pictures Glen Ellyn (Gary Martinelli) Glen Ellyn 1970 [Click] Tom Dziedzic Glen Ellyn 1977-78 [Click] (from Hal Savage, former student of Lewis College) Glen Ellyn 1990-11-16 [Click] Hank Kehoe - 1990 visit to Glen Ellyn Buildings Glen Ellyn 1990s [Click] John-OConnor GE in the 90s Glen Ellyn 19xx-yy [Click] Don Covert Glen Ellyn 1995 [Click] Jubilee 1995 (Ordination Class of 1970) (from Chris Bradley) Glen Ellyn 2009 [Click] 40th Reunion class of 1969 Glen Ellyn 2010 [Click] Aerial Satelite pictures Glen Ellyn 2010 [Click] Lynch, Jerry Sculptor (GE class of 1965) (from Chris Bradley and Cheryl Crews) Glen Ellyn 2013 [Click] Chris Bradley Reunion at the Rim - Band of Brothers (GE Class of 1965) Glen Ellyn 2016 [Click] 2016 Reunion 1966 (50th) Glen Ellyn 2019 [Click] Larry Obrist Glen Ellyn Glen Ellyn Plays/Movies Glen Ellyn 1950~ [Click] Glen Ellyn Plays (Adams Tom) Glen Ellyn 1962-66 [Click] Play - Gideon (from John [Leonard] Cieslinski) Glen Ellyn 1962-66 [Click] Play - Man for all Seasons (from John [Leonard] Cieslinski) Glen Ellyn 1962-66 [Click] (from John [Leonard] Cieslinski) Glen Ellyn 1962-66 [Click] Movie - Hope of the Harvest(from John [Leonard] Cieslinski) Glen Ellyn Glen Ellyn Publications Glen Ellyn 1949-1953 [Click] 1949-1953 Adams Tom 14 Glen Echo Issues Glen Ellyn 1949-1953 [Click] 1949-1953 Adams Tom Pictures from Glen Echo Glen Ellyn 1953, June 7 [Click] 1953, June 7 Adams Tom - Dupage June 7, 1953Glen Ellyn Glen Ellyn 1958 [Click] Glen Echo (from George Heron) Glen Ellyn 1962-67 [Click] Pictures from Glen Ellyn Glen Ellyn 1963-67 [Click] GE Dupage issues (Jack Lyons) Glen Ellyn 1966 [Click] Glen Echo Poems Autumn (from John O'Connor) Glen Ellyn 1966 [Click] 1966 Frank Buscicio - Glen Echo 1966Glen Ellyn Glen Ellyn Starved Rock Glen Ellyn [Click] 1960 May - Starved Rock State Park Glen Ellyn [Click] 1950~ - Starved Rock State Park (Tom Adams) Glen Ellyn Glen Ellyn Who's Who Glen Ellyn [Click] 1961-62 Seniors, Juniors1) Glen Ellyn [Click] 1961-62 Juniors2) Glen Ellyn [Click] 1961-62 Juniors3, Sophmores 1) Glen Ellyn [Click] 1961-62 Sophmores2, Freshmen1) Glen Ellyn [Click] 1961-62 Freshmen2) Glen Ellyn [Click] 1961-62 Freshmen3) Glen Ellyn [Click] 1962-63 Seniors, Juniors, Sophmores 1) Glen Ellyn [Click] 1962-63 Sophmores 2, Freshmen) Glen Ellyn [Click] 1963-64 (Jack Lyons) Glen Ellyn [Click] Roster 1963-64 (Jack Lyons) Glen Ellyn [Click] 1964-65 (Jack Lyons) Glen Ellyn [Click] Roster 1964-65 (Jack Lyons) Glen Ellyn [Click] 1965-66 (Jack Lyons) Glen Ellyn [Click] Roster 1965-66 (Jack Lyons) Glen Ellyn [Click] 1966-67 (John O'Connor and Jack Lyons) Glen Ellyn [Click] Roster 1966-67 (Jack Lyons)[Click] To Index Top
------HHHHHHH------ Hingham Novitiate [Click] History [Click] History of Maryknoll Brothers [Click] Maryknoll Nuns and Brothers [Click] Maryknoll History (Founding, Venard, Seminaries, Brothers, etc) [Click] 2013 Knoll The Future of Maryknoll [Click] 1921 Knoll Maryknoll at Ten (a Short History of the American Seminary for Foreign Missions) [Click] Celebacy (History of) [Click] Venard History [Click] Venard History 1921 [Click] Saint Theophane Venard (History and Pictures) [Click] 1966 Promotion 1966 Purpose of Maryknoll [Click] 1967-2017 Venard Closing [Click] 1993 Knoll ~1993 Who are we? Thesing Ken[Click] To Index Top
------IIIIIII------ Interchange Issues [Click][Click] To Index Top
(no entries)[Click] To Index Top
------KKKKKKK------ Knoll (Major Seminary) [Click] 1946-5x Akron, Venard, GE, Novitiate, Knoll Tom Adams - Seminary Days (Akron, Venard, GE, Novitiate, Knoll) [Click] 1947-50 Knoll Quadrangle (2011 at 100th anniversary celebration) [Click] 1957-64 Unteachables at Glen Ellyn, Bedford, The Knoll [Click] 1957 Seminarians Knoll Voices of Maryknoll [Click] 1960-64 Bob-Kleeman Pictures GE, Novitiate, Knoll (class of 1966) [Click] 1961 - Ken Riley [Click] 1963-69 Stan Sztaba ~350 Pictures [Click] 1965- (and Hingham) Birzer, Norm 3 albums [Click] 1965, 1967 Joe Fahey & classmates [Click] 1999 July (from Ray Voith) [Click] 2006 - Maryknoll Library [Click] 2009 [Click] 2010 Aerial Satelite pictures [Click] 2010 Knoll residents [Click] 2014 movie clip about Maryknoll (shot at Knoll 2014) [Click] Pictures from Flickr [Click] Pictures of Croton dam near the Knoll (Maybe you visited there) [Click] Ordination Class Pictures [Click] Don-Chenicek Some new Pictures from Don Chenicek (GE, Bedford, Knoll) [Click] Don-Chenicek Pictures from Don Chenicek (GE, Bedford, Knoll) [Click] Tom-Adams - Seminary Days (Akron, Venard, GE, Novitiate, Knoll) [Click] Knoll Maryknoll movie[Click] To Index Top
------LLLLLLL------ [Click] Lakewood College Seminary (1947-50) [Click] 1947-50 (Maryknoll College) Burke John, Lakewood NJ [Click] Pictures from John Crowley [Click] Pictures from Mike Giudice [Click] Latest Additions (with date of addition - newest first) [Click] Leaving Seminary (Chat)[Click] To Index Top
------MMMMMMM------ Maps [Click] 2010 Glen Ellyn Aerial Satellite Maps Maryknoll Magazine [Click] Magazine Issues [Click] Mt View and Bedford in Maryknoll Magazine [Click] 1950 Venard (Charlie Kircher) [Click] 1962 November Tom Adams [Click] 1964 Venard [Click] Being a Brother [Click] Maryknoll Magazine excerpts - March 1967 (Glen Ellyn) Memoirs [Click] - Why I Became A Missioner (Tom Adamas) [Click] 1920-30s Fr Everett Francis Briggs Memoir, by Barbara Smith [Click] 1958 Memoir from St Joseph's (Mt View) [Click] Ron Stewart Photo essay by his Father - first days at the Venard [Click] Venard "A Year in the Life of a freshman" 1960-61 (from Mike Mulhearn) [Click] Venard Memories Venard Class of 1963 50TH Reunion (pdf file and reunion pictures) [Click] 1966 Venard Jim McCormick Venard 1966 - Venard memories you can't dream up [Click] 2014 Oct 9 Wonderful Memories of the Venard (Friend of the Venard) [Click] 1967 Maryknoll Language School Musoma Tanzania Feb_1967 [Click] 2009 South American Pilgrimage [Click] 2012 Ken Moody "Life on the Dump" [Click] 2012 Ken Moody "Life on the Dump" (Update) Memorial [Click] Schneider Father Dan Memorial to Father Dan Schneider (A Postscript from Father Dan) Memorial [Click] Memorial to Father Dan Schneider (Saying Goodbye) Mighty Ones of Maryknoll[Click] Mighty Ones of Maryknoll 1964-68 (Pictures from Facebook) Mountain View [Click] (Minor Seminary) [Click] Student Manual (Jack Lyons) [Click] (St Joseph's) 1958 Memoir from St Joseph's (Mt View) [Click] (St Joseph's) 1960-61 Dave Parvin [Click] Pictures from Flickr [Click] Pictures from Flickr [Click] Maryknoll Magazine Pictures [Click] Note: Mountain View (Los Altos) around 2002 (has external links) [Click] Note: Mountain View (Los Altos) around 2008 (has external links) Movies [Click] Hope of the Harvest (Maryknoll Promotional Movie) Glen Ellyn 1964 [Click] 1964 Film clips (from Jack Lyons) Promotional [Click] movie clip about Maryknoll (shot at Knoll 2014) [Click] 20xx Knoll Maryknoll movie clip [Click] Movies of Glen Ellyn (1966-67) [Click] movie clip 2015 Reunion Venard Class of 1965 50TH Reunion [Click] 20xx Tour of deserted Glen Ellyn [Click] 2009 Priests Memorial to Father Dan Schneider Music [Click] Jim Collignon musical compositions Music [Click] Venard Music Room (Youtube songs of 1950s-60s) Music [Click] 1959 Glen Ellyn Glen Ellyn Seminarians Singing The Mass 1959 Music [Click] 1957 Knoll Voices of Maryknoll[Click] To Index Top
------NNNNNNN------ Novitiate Bedford [Click] Good Old Days at Maryknoll) (from ??) Novitiate Bedford [Click] 2005 Note Ron Stewart (Bedford Visit) Novitiate Bedford [Click] 1955 Link to pictures from 1955 Glen Ellyn and Bedford (Good Old Days at Maryknoll) Novitiate Bedford [Click] 1960 Class Of 1960 Bedford (from Roger Kuhn) Novitiate Bedford [Click] 1957-64 Unteachables at Glen Ellyn, Bedford, The Knoll Novitiate Bedford [Click] 1962 pictures from Don Goulet GE and Bedford (contributed by Joe Sinico, Don's partner) Novitiate Bedford [Click] Novitiate Bedford Recent Pictures Phil Reilly Novitiate Bedford [Click] Mt View and Bedford in Maryknoll Magazine Novitiate Bedford [Click] 1953 Novitiate Bedford [Click] 1955~ Tom-Adams - Seminary Days (Akron, Venard, GE, Novitiate, Knoll) Novitiate Bedford [Click] 1960 (From Ken Riley) Novitiate Bedford [Click] 1960 set 2 (From Ken Riley) Novitiate Bedford [Click] 1960-64 Bob-Kleeman Pictures GE, Novitiate, Knoll (class of 1966) Novitiate Bedford [Click] 1960-61 (From Bob Chaney) Novitiate Bedford [Click] 1960-61 - Old Stills (From Bob Chaney) Novitiate Bedford [Click] 2005 Note Ron Stewart (Bedford Visit) Novitiate Bedford [Click] Don-Chenicek Pictures from Don Chenicek (GE, Bedford, Knoll) Novitiate Bedford [Click] Don-Chenicek Some new Pictures from Don Chenicek (GE, Bedford, Knoll) Novitiate Bedford [Click] Pictures from John Crowley (Brookline, Venard, Lakewood, GE, Bedford) Novitiate Novitiate Brookline 1950-51 [Click] Brookline Seminary Novitiate Hingham Mass Novitiate Hingham Mass 1964- [Click] from Stan Sztaba Novitiate Hingham Mass 1965 [Click] Pictures of Hingham 1965 (Hank Kehoe) Novitiate Hingham Mass 1965- [Click] Hingham (and Knoll) Birzer, Norm 3 albums Novitiate Hingham Mass 1966-67 [Click] from Chris Bradley Novitiate Hingham Mass 1966-67 [Click] Mike O'Brien Nuns/Brothers [Click] History of Maryknoll Brothers [Click] Maryknoll Brothers (Herman Family Connection) [Click] Brother Butsch alone at Butlers [Click] Nuns and Brothers[Click] To Index Top
------OOOOOOO------ Ordination [Click] Ordination Class Pictures [Click] 1938, 1948, 1958, 1973 Adams Tom - Jubilee 1998 - Ordination Classes of 1938, 1948, 1958, 1973 [Click] Stang David 20xx Knoll - ordination class of 1964 (and comments) [Click] 1958 Adams Tom - Ordination - Class of 1958 [Click] 1959 Pictures from Robert Wilson (Ordination class of 1959) [Click] 1965 Class pictures (Venard, GE) [Click] 1966 Ordination Cards - from Dick Baisley [Click] 1969 Ordination Class (GE, Hingham, Knoll from Stan Sztaba [Click] 1970 Ordination Class Cards (from Chris Bradley) [Click] 1998 Adams Tom - Ordination Class of 1958, 40th Reunion, 1998 [Click] 2010 Ordination Reunion Class of 1970 (Chris Bradley) [Click] 2018 Adams Tom - 2018 Jubilee Brochure [Click] 2018 Jubilee (48 in 58)[Click] To Index Top
------PPPPPPP------ Priests [Click] 1947-1964 Fr. Louis Wolken Venard [Click] 1953-7 Priests at Venard (from Dick Baisley) [Click] 1959-61 Fr. John Grady Venard [Click] 1961 Fr. Robert Kus Venard Class of 1961 [Click] 1962-67 Glen Ellyn Priests [Click] Bob Kus Mission Priest Website and Blog [Click] 2005 Venard Class of 1961 45th Reunion [Click] Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter (FSSP)- retro seminary at Venard site [Click] Bob Fox Tribute to Bishop Ford [Click] 2004 Felix McGowan Memorial [Click] Tom Adams - Obituary of Fr Milt Rosera [Click] History of Celebacy [Click] Brothers, Father Don Haren (Herman Family Connection) [Click] Father Felix McGowan [Click] Father Dan Schneider Memorial [Click] Father Dan Schneider (A Postscript from Father Dan) [Click] Father Dan Schneider (Saying Goodbye) [Click] Pictures of Priests (miscellaneous ) Promotion [Click] 19xx Promotion Promotion, including video The Maryknoll Story film clips [Click] 1964 Link to film clips from Maryknoll Promotional Movies (from Jack Lyons) [Click] Venard Promotion brochure [Click] 1966 Promotion 1966 Purpose of Maryknoll Publications Publications [Click] 1920-30s Briggs, Fr Everett Francis Memoir, by Barbara Smith Publications [Click] Seminary Bedford in Maryknoll Magazine Publications Seminary Catalogs Publications [Click] 1953-54 Venard Catalogue Publications [Click] 1955-56 Venard Catalogue Publications [Click] 1963 Chesterfield Limina Yearbook (from Michael Terry) Publications [Click] 1964 Chesterfield Limina Yearbook from Horace Busch Publications [Click] Chesterfield Tower 1961-62 editions Vol I (from Mike Mulhern) Publications [Click] Chesterfield Tower 1963-64 editions Vol III (from Mike Mulhern) Publications [Click] 1963-67 GE Dupage issues (Jack Lyons) Publications [Click] Glen Ellyn 1964 Film clips from Maryknoll Promotional Movies (from Jack Lyons) Publications Glen Ellyn Glen Echo Publications Glen Ellyn [Click] 1949-1953 Adams Tom - Glen Ellyn (14 Glen Echo Issues - 1949-1953) Publications [Click] 1949-1953 Adams Tom - Glen Ellyn - Pictures from Glen Echo 1949-1953 Publications [Click] 1958 (from George Heron) Publications [Click] 1966 Poems Autumn John O'Connor Publications Venard Chi Rho Yearbooks Publications [Click] 1959 (from Glen Deutsch) Publications [Click] 1960 (from Ray Voith) Publications [Click] 1961 (from Ray Voith) Publications [Click] 1962 (from Charlie Lockwood) Publications [Click] 1963 (from Thomas Wunderle) Publications [Click] 1964 (from LLoyd Hevelhorst) Publications [Click] 1966 (from LLoyd Hevelhorst) Publications [Click] 1967 (from LLoyd Hevelhorst) Publications [Click] Venard Classicum 1953 (from Dick Baisley) Publications Venard Courier Publications [Click] Editions 1960-61, 61-62, 62-63, 63-64 (from Glen Deutsch,Mo Calouro and Mike Mulhern) Publications [Click] Venard Diary of Maryknoll Missioners in 50's Publications (These were read in the refectory at dinnertime by seminarians) Publications [Click] Venard Nucleus Science Club Editions 1961-62 (from Mike Mulhern) Publications [Click] Venard Promotion brochure Publications [Click] 1953-55 Venard Rules (from Dick Baisley) Publications [Click] Bedford in Maryknoll Magazine Publications [Click] 1960 Venard Student Manual - from Ray Gleason Publications [Click] 1962-63 Mountain View Student Manual Publications [Click] 1964-65 Gleason, Ray (VenardDaze) Publications Publications Venarder Publications [Click] 1954 March Publications [Click] 1954 June Publications [Click] 1954 Christmas Publications [Click] 1955 Easter Publications [Click] 1955 May-June Publications [Click] 1960 December Publications [Click] 1961 June Publications [Click] 1961 December Publications [Click] 1962 June Publications [Click] 1964 Maryknoll Magazine Article on Venard Publications [Click] 2009 Paul Newpower - South American Pilgrimage[Click] To Index Top
(no entries)[Click] To Index Top
------RRRRRRR------ Recent and Reunions [Click] [Click] 195x Frank Gerace [Click] 1958 Tom Adams - Ordination Class of 1958, 40th Reunion, 1998 [Click] 2013 Glen Ellyn Reunion at the Rim - Band of Brothers [Click] 2016? Chesterfield planned reunion of chesterfield class of 1966 [Click] 1967-2017 Venard Closing [Click] 2004 Knoll 2004 Reunion GE Class of 1964 40TH Reunion [Click] 2009 Glen Ellyn GE Class of 1969 40th Reunion [Click] 2005 Venard Pictures of the Venard Class of 1961 40TH Reunion [Click] 2005 Venard Class of 1961 40TH Reunion - Frank Ciccarello [Click] 1963 Venard Venard Memories Venard Class of 1963 50TH Reunion (pdf file and reunion pictures) [Click] 1967 Venard Pictures - Venard Reunion of the Class of 1967 [Click] 1966 Jim McCormick Venard 1966 - Visit [Click] 1963 Bill Dillon - Student Manual Maryknoll Junior Seminary 1963 [Click] 2004 Felix McGowan Memorial [Click] 2007 Terry Cedar Maryknoll 40th Reunion 06-2007 [Click] 2009 Nick Weylan [Click] 2015 Venard Class of 1965 50TH Reunion [Click] 2015 movie clip Reunion Venard Class of 1965 50TH Reunion [Click] 2017 David McClain and wife (Clarks Summit University Librarian) [Click] 2017 David McClain (Clarks Summit University Librarian) Venard Reunion of the Class of 1967 [Click] Venard pictures Colin Pettorsson 2020-08-31 Rosters [Click] 1953-56 Venard John DeFrank Pictures and rosters [Click] 1958-59 Venard (from Gerry Eichstaedt) [Click] 1959-60 Venard (from Gerry Eichstaedt) [Click] 1963-64 Glen Ellyn (Jack Lyons) [Click] 1964-65 Glen Ellyn (Jack Lyons) [Click] 1965-66 Glen Ellyn (Jack Lyons) [Click] 1966-67 Glen Ellyn (Jack Lyons)[Click] To Index Top
------SSSSSSS------ Sports [Click] 1962-65 Glen Ellyn Sports [Click] 1964-6 Glen Ellyn Basketball and Soccer team[Click] To Index Top
(no entries)[Click] To Index Top
------UUUUUUU------ [Click] Unteachables 1957-64 (Glen Ellyn, Bedford, The Knoll)[Click] To Index Top
The First Venard
Venard Baptist Bible College Venard [Click] 1999 Baptist Bible College (formerly Venard) Venard [Click] 2005 Jeff Brodrick (of Baptist Bible College) Venard Venard Catalog Venard [Click] 1953-54 Venard Catalogue Venard [Click] 1955-56 Venard Catalogue Venard Venard Chi Rho Yearbook Venard [Click] 1959 (from Glen Deutsch) Venard [Click] 1960 (from Ray Voith) Venard [Click] 1961 (from Ray Voith) Venard [Click] 1962 (from Charlie Lockwood) Venard [Click] 1963 (from Thomas Wunderle) Venard [Click] 1964 Venard Chi Rho Yearbook Venard [Click] 1966 Venard Chi Rho Yearbook Venard [Click] 1967 Venard Chi Rho Yearbook Venard [Click] 1981-1985 Interchange/ChiRho/Tunc et Nunc/Diaspora issues (Tom Adams) Venard Venard Classicum Venard 1949 [Click] Classicum - 3 Issues Venard [Click] 1949-01-22 Venard [Click] 1949-02-05 Venard [Click] 1949-04-02 Venard 1949 [Click] 1953 (from Dick Baisley) Venard Venard Courier Venard [Click] Editions 1960-61, 61-62, 62-63, 63-64 (from Glen Deutsch,Mo Calouro and Mike Mulhern) Venard [Click] 1959-60 Vol I (from Charlie lockwood) Venard [Click] 1960-61 Vol II (from Mo Calouro, Glen Deutsch, Mike Mulhern Venard [Click] 1961-62 Vol III (from Mike Mulhern) Venard [Click] 1962-63 Vol IV (from Mike Mulhern) Venard [Click] 1963-64 Vol V (from Mike Mulhern) Venard [Click] 1966 (from Dave Burkhardt) Venard Venard [Click] Directions to the Venard Venard Venard [Click] Elections - United Party Election Bill - 1955 Venard Venard Dates Venard 1956 [Click] Graduation dinner class of 1956 Venard 1956-60 [Click] 1956-60 John Merrill Venard 1958 [Click] Dunwoodie (1918-1958) Venard 1959 [Click] Dick Herman (Venard 1959, Glen Ellyn 1963...) Venard 195x [Click] Pictures from John Crowley Venard 195x [Click] Pictures from Mike Giudice Venard 195x [Click] Tom Adams - Studying-Reading in Latin Venard 1960- [Click] 1960- John [Leonard] Cieslinski Venard 1963-69 [Click] Stan Sztaba ~350 Pictures (1963-69) Venard 196x [Click] Jay Sollohub - Venard/GE Venard 196x [Click] Bill Kirby (Venard class of 1961) Venard 2020-08-31 [Click] Venard pictures August 23, 2020 Colin PettorssonVenard Venard Venard Field Days Venard [Click] 1949 Adams Tom - Venard - 1949-MemorialDay-FieldTrack Venard [Click] 1955 Venard (from Dick Baisley) Venard Venard Life of a Freshman Venard [Click] "A Year in the Life of a freshman" 1960-61 (from Mike Mulhearn) Venard Venard Maryknoll Magazine Venard 1964 [Click] Maryknoll Magazine Article about the Venard Sept 1964 (from Michael Mulhern) Venard 1950 [Click] 1950 Maryknoll Magazine Pictures of the Venard (Charlie Kircher) Venard Venard Mission Diaries/Stories Venard [Click] 1956 Venard Diary of Maryknoll Missioners Venard (These were read in the refectory at dinnertime by seminarians) Venard [Click] 1960-61 Year in the Life of a freshman (from Mike Mulhearn) Venard [Click] 1961 December Venard Diary from John [Leonard] Cieslinski Venard [Click] 1964-65 Gleason, Ray (VenardDaze) Venard [Click] 2014 Oct 9 Wonderful Memories of the Venard (Friend of the Venard) Venard Venard Nucleus Science Note Venard [Click] Nucleus Science Club Editions 1961-62 (from Mike Mulhern) Venard Venard [Click] Ordination Cards - Class of 1966 (from Dick Baisley) Venard Venard Pictures Venard [Click] Aerial Photos Venard [Click] Gaudeamus Igitur Venard [Click] Venard History Venard [Click] 1932 Venard student Daniel Griffin (Photos and letter) Venard [Click] 1950's-1960's Venard Robert O'Neil Venard [Click] 1953 Venard Classicum Editions(from Dick Baisley) Venard [Click] 1953-56 John DeFrank Venard [Click] 1954-55 Ken Riley Venard [Click] 1956-7 Venard Classes of 1956 and 1957 (George Heron, John Martin & Charlie Kircher) Venard [Click] 1957 Venard Class of 1957 Dick Baisley Venard [Click] 1957 Venard 1957, including Freshman class picture (Venard Class of 1961) (from Mike Dillon and Glen Deutsch) Venard [Click] 1958-59 Glen Deutsch Venard [Click] 1958-9 Gerry Eichstaedt Venard [Click] 1959 Glen Deutsch Venard [Click] 1959 Venard Tony Kaliton Venard [Click] 1959-61 Fr. John Grady Venard [Click] 1959-61 Ray Voith Venard [Click] 1959-63 Ron Stewart Venard [Click] 1950s-60s Venard Music Room (Youtube songs) Venard [Click] 1960-61 Don Bisdorf Venard [Click] 1961 Fr. Robert Kus Venard Class of 1961 Venard [Click] 1966 Ordination Cards - Class of 1966 (from Dick Baisley) Venard [Click] 2010 and early Rich-Piesel Venard 2010 and early Venard Plays Venard 195x [Click] Play - Brother Orchid Venard 195x [Click] Venard grades Venard 1953 [Click] 1953 Venard 1960 [Click] 1960 - Sound of Hunting from John [Leonard] Cieslinski Venard 1960 [Click] Two Plays from John [Leonard] Cieslinski Venard 1961 [Click] 1961 - Career Angel from John [Leonard] Cieslinski Venard Venard [Click] Priests at Venard 1953-7 (from Dick Baisley) Venard [Click] Saint Theophane Venard (History and Pictures) Venard Venard Promotion Venard [Click] Venard Promotion brochure Venard Venard [Click] Retro Seminary - Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter (FSSP) at Venard site Venard Venard Reunion Venard Class of 1961 45th Reunion Venard [Click]Reunion Venard [Click] Ray Voith Venard [Click] Laura Voith Venard [Click] Fr. Bob Kus Venard [Click] Paul Raiche Venard [Click] Frank Cicarello Venard [Click] Tom Brown Venard [Click] Fr. Louis Wolken Venard [Click] Tom Fenton Venard [Click] Frank Ciccarello Venard [Click] Jeff Brodrick (of Baptist Bible College) Venard [Click] Fr. William Knipe (dec 2005) (was not at reunion) Venard Venard Reunion Venard Class of 1963 45th Reunion Venard [Click] Venard Memories: (May 3-5, 2013) Venard Class of 1963 50TH Reunion (pdf file) Venard [Click] 2013 Ron Stewart, Joe Kantorski Venard Memories Venard Class of 1963 50TH Reunion (pdf file and reunion pictures) Venard 1966 [Click] 1966 Jim McCormick memories you can't dream up Venard 1967 [Click] 2017 David McClain and wife (Clarks Summit University Librarian) Venard 1967 [Click] 1966 Jim McCormick Venard 1966 - Visit Venard 1967 [Click] Venard Reunion of the Class of 1967 Venard 1967 [Click] 1963 Bill Dillon - Student Manual Maryknoll Junior Seminary 1963 Venard 1967 [Click] 2017 David McClain (Clarks Summit University Librarian) Venard Reunion of the Class of 1967 Venard Venard Rosters Venard [Click] 1953-56 Venard John DeFrank Pictures and rosters Venard [Click] 1958-9 Venard Gerry Eichstaedt class roster Venard [Click] class roster from 1958-9 (from Gerry Eichstaedt) Venard [Click] class rosters from 1959-60 (from Gerry Eichstaedt) Venard Venard Rules Venard [Click] 1953 Maryknoll Particular Rule Venard [Click] 1953-55 (from Dick Baisley) Venard Venard Student Council Elections Venard [Click] 1955 Venard United Party Election Bill Venard Venard [Click] Student Manual 1960 from Ray Gleason Venard Venard Venarder Venard 1948-49 [Click] Venarder - 3 Issues Venard [Click] Venarder-1-1948-Easter (Tom Adams) Venard [Click] Venarder-2-1948 (Tom Adams) Venard [Click] Venarder-3-1949 (Tom Adams) Venard 1954 Venard [Click] Venarder March 1954 Venard [Click] Venarder June 1954 Venard [Click] Venarder Christmas 1954 Venard 1955 Venard [Click] Venarder Easter 1955 Venard [Click] Venarder May June 1955 Venard Venard 1960-62 Venard [Click] Venarder December 1960 Venard [Click] Venarder June 1961 Venard [Click] Venarder December 1961 Venard [Click] Venarder June 1962 Venard Venard [Click] Visit 1986 (from Charlie Kircher) Venard [Click] Visit 1987 (from Charlie Kircher) Venard [Click] Visit 1999 (from Ray Voith) Venard Venard Yearbooks Venard [Click] 1959 Venard Chi Rho (Glen Deutsch) Venard [Click] 1960 Venard Chi Rho (Ray Voith) Venard [Click] 1961 Venard Chi Rho (Ray Voith) Venard [Click] 1964 Venard Chi Rho (Lloyd Hevelhorst) Venard [Click] 1966 Venard Chi Rho (Lloyd Hevelhorst) Venard [Click] 1967 Venard Chi Rho (Lloyd Hevelhorst)
[Click] To Index Top
------WWWWWWW------ Who's Who Glen Ellyn [Click] 1961-62 Seniors, Juniors1) [Click] 1961-62 Juniors2) [Click] 1961-62 Juniors3, Sophmores 1) [Click] 1961-62 Sophmores2, Freshmen1) [Click] 1961-62 Freshmen2) [Click] 1961-62 Freshmen3) [Click] 1962-63 Seniors, Juniors, Sophmores 1) [Click] 1962-63 Sophmores 2, Freshmen) [Click] 1963-64 (Jack Lyons) [Click] 1963-64 Roster (Jack Lyons) [Click] 1964-65 (Jack Lyons) [Click] 1964-65 Roster (Jack Lyons) [Click] 1965-66 (Jack Lyons) [Click] 1965-66 Roster (Jack Lyons) [Click] 1966-67 (John O'Connor and Jack Lyons) [Click] 1966-67 Roster (Jack Lyons)[Click] To Index Top
(no entries)[Click] To Index Top
(no entries)[Click] To Index Top
(no entries)[Click] To Index Top